December 2005

“Comment,” Liahona, Dec. 2005, 48


Heavenly Father Listens

The article “Improving Our Prayers,” by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin in the August 2004 issue, was excellent. I know that Heavenly Father listens to us when we tell Him what is in our hearts, and He often answers our prayers through other people. When we pray, we come closer to Him.
Luis Mario Marcelo Carvajal Arce, Teno Branch, Curicó Chile Stake

Source of Inspiration

The Liahona is a guide to help me find the path to follow. I am grateful to our General Authorities who deliver messages to us—they are shepherds that Heavenly Father has given us to guide us. I can show my love for Him by obeying their counsel. I challenge all the youth to do the same.
Alden Yengo, 17, Kinsoundi Ward, Brazzaville Republic of Congo Stake

Testimony Strengthened

I want to express my gratitude for the Liahona. I wait eagerly each month for the magazine, and the day I receive it I read it cover to cover. Then throughout the month I read each of the messages more slowly. I enjoy the personal experiences of members of the Church who are trying to live the gospel, and they inspire me to do the same.
Blanca Carrillo de Garza, Quéretaro Ward, Monterrey Mexico Moderna Stake

Study the Prophets

I really enjoyed “Building a Lesson from Teachings of Presidents of the Church,” in the June 2004 Liahona. I have benefited greatly from these lessons, and the books are a wonderful addition to my library. I look forward to the books still to come.
Gilbert Staepels, Antwerpen First Ward, Antwerp Belgium Stake

A Guiding Light

When I was baptized the missionaries gave me a copy of the Liahona, and there hasn’t been a year since when I have not subscribed. It is a wonderful guiding light in my life. Heavenly Father answers my questions in its pages, especially in the First Presidency Message and the articles by other Church authorities. I know the Lord knows what is happening to me, and He answers my prayers through His servants.
Rosario Elisa Gómez Castilla, Belaunde Ward, Arequipa Perú Zamácola Stake

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