“Idea List: The 12 Reading Days of Christmas,” Liahona, Dec. 2005, 7
Idea List:
The 12 Reading Days of Christmas
You can make this Christmas special by learning more about the Savior. Here are some scriptural selections to help you. Study one on each of the days leading up to Christmas.
December 14: The prophet Isaiah foretold and testified of the Savior’s divine mission and birth in Isa. 7:14–15; Isa. 9:6–7; Isa. 53.
December 15: Nephi saw in vision the Savior’s birth and ministry before and after the Lord’s Crucifixion. Read Nephi’s account in 1 Ne. 11:9–33; 1 Ne. 12:4–8.
December 16: King Benjamin testified of the coming of the Savior in Mosiah 3:1–12, 20–21.
December 17: The Lamanite prophet Samuel prophesied to the wicked Nephites about Christ’s birth and death in Hel. 14.
December 18: Read the Prophet Joseph Smith’s testimony of the Savior in D&C 76:19–24, 40–42.
December 19: The prophet Alma testified of the Savior and the power of His Atonement in Alma 7:7–13.
December 20: Read about Mary’s and Elisabeth’s experiences in Luke 1.
December 21: Read Luke’s account of the Savior’s birth and childhood in Luke 2.
December 22: Read Mark’s account of the Savior’s baptism and ministry in Mark 1:1–2:13.
December 23: Read Matthew’s account of the Savior’s birth in Matt. 1:18–25; Matt. 2.
December 24: On the eve of Christ’s birth, the prophet Nephi prayed in behalf of his people who were about to be slain by the wicked. Read the Lord’s response and the fulfillment of the prophet Samuel’s prophecy in 3 Ne. 1:9–22.
December 25: Read and ponder “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles.” You can find it at www.lds.org, in For the Strength of Youth (2001), or in the April 2000 Liahona. Write your testimony in your journal.
Clockwise from top left: The Arrival of the Shepherds, by Henri Lerolle, original in Musée des Beaux-Arts, Carcassonne, France, used by permission, may not be copied; Nephi’s Vision of the Virgin Mary, by Judith Mehr; detail from King Benjamin Preaches to the Nephites, by Gary L. Kapp; detail from Samuel the Lamanite Prophesies, by Arnold Friberg; Jesus Christ Appears to the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, by Walter Rane; Mary’s Psalm of Praise, by Robert T. Barrett, may not be copied; Even the Wisemen of the Earth Must Follow Divine Direction, by J. Leo Fairbanks; John Baptizing Jesus, by Harry Anderson; Flight into Egypt, by Robert T. Barrett