July 2008

“Comment,” Liahona, July 2008, 48


The Best Decision

In December 2005 some relatives who are members of the Church visited my wife and me in Colombia. Before they returned home, my uncle gave me two wonderful gifts—a triple combination and some old issues of the Liahona.

I began to read the November 2004 issue, which contained the talks from October conference. I read “Condition of the Church,” by President Gordon B. Hinckley, and “Prophets, Seers, and Revelators,” by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. The testimonies of these great men led me to begin reading the Book of Mormon and the Bible.

The result was the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to us. My wife and I made the best decision we have ever made—we were baptized members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Edgar Henry Muñoz Porras, Colombia

Preparing the Ground

I want to express my deep gratitude for the Liahona magazine. My testimony has been greatly strengthened by my thoughtful reading of each inspired issue. Many times the Holy Ghost has confirmed to me the truthfulness of the articles and filled me with gratitude.

As a result of these spiritual experiences, I have had a desire to share the messages in the magazine with other people. I sent a gift subscription to my cousin. He has told me that he loves the magazine and always reads it. I hope that it will help him learn the importance of making and keeping covenants.

I also send copies of the Liahona to a friend and teacher in another country. She has told me that she likes the magazine and wants to keep receiving it. This is how I am preparing the ground for her to one day hear and accept the restored gospel.

Penélope B. Woodward, Texas, USA

The Spirit of Conference

When I get the conference issue of the Liahona, I look at the pictures on every page. I love to see the faces of the people and all the different scenes of conference. They help me feel the spirit that exists all around the world at conference time. How beautiful all of Heavenly Father’s children are! The issue always brings a smile to my face. Thank you for your unseen efforts—thank you for the Liahona.

Jung YeJi, Korea

Honest Elias

I wanted to let you know how much we like the Liahona. My son, Elias (who was two years old at the time), loved the story “Honest Morgan” in the March 2007 issue. I read it to him often. He was even able to retell the story correctly. I would appreciate it if you would continue to offer such short stories.

As for myself, I read the Liahona from cover to cover and enjoy the news, the articles, and the ideas. Thank you for the opportunity to obtain spiritual food.

Sonja Görgen, Germany

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