Additional Sharing Time Ideas
July 2008

“Additional Sharing Time Ideas,” Liahona, July 2008, N8

Additional Sharing Time Ideas, July 2008

The following are additional ideas Primary leaders may use with the Sharing Time printed in the July 2008 Liahona. For the lesson, instructions, and activity that correspond with these ideas, see “I Can Be a Missionary Now” on pages F4 and F5 of the children’s section in this issue.

  1. Prior to sharing time, review the story about Richard that President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) shared (see “The Need for Greater Kindness,” Liahona, May 2006, 59–60). Be prepared to share the story in your own words.

    Scramble the words of the statement “Living the gospel standards helps me be a missionary now.” Invite the children to place the words in the proper order. Ask the children to name some of My Gospel Standards, and briefly discuss them.

    Ask the children to listen for a gospel standard as you share President Hinckley’s story. Discuss how important it is to be kind to others. If possible, invite the full-time missionaries or ward or branch mission leader to talk about how being kind to others and being a good friend are important parts of being a missionary.

    Provide the necessary materials for each child to make a missionary puppet (see Primary 3, 120–21). When the puppets are completed, invite the children to choose one way to show kindness and write it on the back of their puppet. Use the puppets to sing a song or hymn about missionary work. Bear testimony that obeying gospel standards helps all of us be missionaries.

  2. Divide the Primary into three groups, and have each group learn a phrase of D&C 18:15. Repeat the scripture several times, and then say it together as a group. Sing a song or hymn about missionary work. Ask the children what kinds of things they can do to be missionaries now, and make a list on the chalkboard.

    Place the gospel-sharing home from page F4 on the chalkboard. Ask a child to choose a window and place it on the home. Read the words in the window. If the idea is not on your list on the chalkboard, add it. Discuss ways to live what is described in each window. Continue to place windows on the home and discuss ways to have a gospel-sharing home.

    Provide a copy of the gospel-sharing home for each child, and allow time to complete the project during sharing time. When the children are finished, review how to have a gospel-sharing home.

    Tell a good experience you have had of sharing the gospel, or relate one from the Liahona. Bear testimony of the blessings we receive as we share the gospel.

  3. Song presentation: “Called to Serve” (Children’s Songbook, 174–75; or Hymns, no. 249). Hum or play the song once. Ask the children to raise their hands if they recognize the song. Ask how the song makes them feel. Tell them the name of the song, and show Gospel Art Picture Kit 612 (Missionaries Teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ). Explain that this song is a favorite of missionaries who have been called to serve.

    Teach the chorus first. Sing the last phrase “God our strength will be; press forward ever, called to serve our King.” Have the children raise their hands when they hear the words “called to serve.” Sing the phrase to the children, and have them listen for whom they will serve. Divide the Primary into three groups. Have the first group sing “God our strength will be,” the second group sing “press forward ever,” and the third group sing “called to serve our King.” Sing the line several times so each group has a chance to sing each phrase.

    As you teach the verses of the song, define words as needed for the children.

    Share a brief example of a missionary who was called to serve and did so with the strength of God (for example, Paul, Ammon, Samuel Smith, a General Authority, a local Church leader, or a member of your family).
