Australian Saints Help Clean Up After Floods
June 2009

“Australian Saints Help Clean Up After Floods,” Liahona, June 2009, N5

Australian Saints Help Clean Up After Floods

While wildfires devastated the opposite side of the continent, heavy rainfall led to widespread flooding across Australia’s northern state, Queensland, damaging more than 3,000 homes and sending hundreds to emergency shelters.

Ingham, a town near the northeastern shoreline in Queensland, sustained the greatest amount of damage. An estimated 2,900 homes there were flooded.

The rainstorms that generated the floods started in December 2008 and continued through February 2009. The water level receded in early February 2009, but authorities expected heavy rains to continue throughout the month, bringing the water level back up. Torrential rainstorms are typical for this part of Australia during its monsoon season.

All missionaries and Church members were safe, and no damage was reported to members’ homes or Church property. Members participated in cleanup efforts.
