Family Home Evening Ideas
June 2009

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, June 2009, 48

Family Home Evening Ideas

These teaching suggestions can be used in the classroom as well as in the home. You may tailor these ideas to your family or class.

“You Already Know,” p. 6: Share the story of Eddy Huanca. Invite family members to read Moroni 10:3–5. Discuss the promise Moroni gives. Have family members write their testimonies of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith (younger children could draw the Book of Mormon and the Prophet).

“What One Person Can Do,” p. 16: Begin the activity by singing the song “Nephi’s Courage” (Children’s Songbook, 120–21). Share the story of Yves Verwey, and summarize the ways he looked for opportunities to do good, just as Nephi. Invite family members to share positive experiences when they have served others. As a family, prayerfully think of a way to serve others (or choose an idea from the article) during the week. Conclude by reading and discussing 1 Nephi 3:7.

“The 20-Mark Note,” p. 20: Before the lesson, wrap several small household items. Share the story of the 20-mark note. Show the items you have wrapped, and invite family members to guess what each item is before unwrapping it. Explain that you knew what the items were because you wrapped them. Compare this to the knowledge Heavenly Father has of our lives and why we should turn to Him for guidance. Read the last four paragraphs of the article, and discuss what we need to do to be worthy to receive the Lord’s guidance.

“Our Refined Heavenly Home,” p. 26: Read the first two paragraphs of the article; then assign family members to present ideas from each of the four areas: language; literature; music; and art, appearance, and attitude. Discuss how you can make your home more heavenly in each area. As a family, make a goal to remove media from your home that could keep it from being a “heavenly home.” Also consider setting a goal to bring good books, art, and music into your home. In a future home evening, discuss the difference these actions made in the spirit of your home.

“Run and Not Be Weary,” p. 32: Read some of the testimonies from this article. Consider having family members write their own testimonies about the blessings of living the Word of Wisdom. Younger children could draw pictures of some of the foods listed in Doctrine and Covenants 89:10–17. Invite family members to always strive to live the Word of Wisdom. You could follow this lesson with a nutritious snack.

“Strength to Follow the Lord,” p. F4: Invite family members to share an experience in which they gave up something in order to follow the Savior. Ask what made it hard and what made it easy. Tell the story of Elder Claudio D. Zivic giving up running on Sunday, and discuss the difficulties and blessings he experienced because of his decision. Conclude by reading the last paragraph of the article.
