An 11th Way to Sweeten the Sabbath Day
2017 Digital Articles

“An 11th Way to Sweeten the Sabbath Day,” Liahona, 2017 Digital Articles

An 11th Way to Sweeten the Sabbath Day

mother and son looking at tablet

Looking for ways to make your Sabbath more meaningful? Here’s an idea in addition to the 10 family history ideas we provide in this month’s Ensign.

The FamilySearch App Gallery

FamilySearch has a large—and somewhat hidden—list of apps, created by independent companies, that use FamilySearch data and that can add function and fun to a Sabbath family history session. You can find the App Gallery at the bottom of most pages on the FamilySearch website.

1. See your family in new ways. Some apps pull from your FamilySearch data to present information in interesting ways. Apps such as the Family Nexus and Kinmapper build maps of where important events happened in your ancestors’ lives. You may be surprised at where the dots representing your family pop up across the globe.

2. Play some games. Try some fun family-history-based games to get to know your ancestors better. There are apps that offer quizzes, scrambles, photo matching, children’s games, and more.

3. Simplify tasks. Some apps help you manage or add to your trove of family photos, simplifying the tasks of scanning and organizing images that help ancestors become real to us.

While many of these apps are available for free, others must be purchased. Most apps that must be purchased provide free trials.
