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Why Do We Teach?
2017 Digital Articles

“Why Do We Teach?” Liahona, April 2017

Why Do We Teach?

Is our teaching purpose any different from the Savior’s?

Jesus heals a man at the pool of Bethesda

My missionary companion and I sat in the living room of Sister Ramirez as she explained to us the difficulties she was having with her energetic six-year-old Primary class. Every lesson was a struggle, and every Sunday she went home exhausted, overwhelmed, and questioning why she was asked to teach this difficult class.

As she talked, I thought of my own experience in teaching a Primary class of out-of-control five-year-old boys. I had felt the same way. Often the only thing that kept me motivated was a picture I kept in my mind of these boys all grown up, leaving on missions armed with a firm knowledge of the gospel—knowledge that, in part, we would learn together in Primary. When the Savior taught people, I’m sure He didn’t focus on who they were now. He looked forward to who they could become. That’s what I had to do with my Primary class.

When Sister Ramirez finished, I told her about my experience and felt prompted to share Doctrine and Covenants 64:33: “Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.”

“Every time you teach Primary,” I said, “you are laying the foundation of a great work. You are helping to lay the gospel foundation of these children’s lives. You are doing God’s work.”

The Savior was the Master Teacher, but that goes far beyond how He taught. The why behind His teaching was to save souls. As we strive to emulate Him, our purpose should be the same. As my companion and I left Sister Ramirez’s house that day, we all felt our burdens were a little lighter. The Spirit had reminded all three of us why we were gospel teachers, and we were ready to give it another try.