Q&A with the Relief Society General Presidency
2017 Digital Articles

“Q&A with the Relief Society General Presidency,” Liahona, 2017

Q&A with the Relief Society General Presidency

From an article celebrating the 175th anniversary of the Relief Society.

Relief Society General Presidency

What is it like to work with the prophets?

Linda K. Burton, Relief Society General President: “Just as Jesus Christ was a champion for women in His day, so are His Apostles in our day. Our prophets are thorough in their deliberations, always seeking input and the perspective of the sisters in the Church. I wish every sister in the Church could see and hear and feel what we get to experience in our association with prophets, seers, and revelators on a regular basis.”

How does the Relief Society unite women from across the world?

Carole M. Stephens, First Counselor: “Our faith in the power of the Savior’s atoning sacrifice is the great unifier. Our love for our Heavenly Father and knowledge of His great plan of happiness bind us together as we seek eternal life. Our sisters are single, married with children, or married without children. There are widows and those who are divorced. Our hope is
that we can all work in unity and be one as we come to understand our identity, our work, and our purpose.”

What does Relief Society have to offer young women?

Linda S. Reeves, Second Counselor: “We are all ‘daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and we love Him.’ In Relief Society, you will find we are more alike than different. … The value of women is being defined by the world. Comparing ourselves to what we see and hear in the world can make us feel like this is how we need to be. Now more than ever, we all need to remember our value comes from being a daughter of God—not from what the world portrays we should be. Our strength comes from our relationship with our Father in Heaven, our Savior, and each other as sisters in the gospel.”

