Moving Forward with Faith and Gratitude
April 2020

Missionary Moments

Moving Forward with Faith and Gratitude

Everyone I know gets super excited about the new year. It marks new beginnings. We reflect on the previous year, make resolutions and hope the next year turns out better. There are fireworks and a lot of excitement. New Year’s celebrations are fun.

Looking back

As we look back on what 2019 brought us, it is necessary to do it through the lens of the gospel. We do not want to miss out on the many chances at spiritual growth that are given to us. They could come in a variety of circumstances; unsavory, joyful or even the normal. In the account of Matthew, after the Savior performed the miracle of feeding 5,000 men from five loaves and two fishes, leaving twelve basketfuls, His disciples ended up asking the same question of how they could feed 4,000 men in the wilderness. They repeated their question because they failed to recognize the miracle of the loaves when it was performed the first time. They had missed out on the fact that the Son of God was able to do that and even more. (See Matthew chapters 14–15.) They had forgotten that they were with the Messiah.

When our hearts are hardened and our eyes are blinded, we fail to recognize the loving, guiding hands of the Savior directing our paths. We end up repeating our questions over and over again. When we fail to recognize the Savior’s help throughout the previous year, we enter the new one with the same requests. We ought to look back through the lens of the gospel, with gratitude for the experiences and lessons learned and the physical and spiritual growth they came with. When we do this, we will be surprised how much we have to be grateful for.

Looking Forward: Are Resolutions Aligned with the Will of the Lord?”

We should bear a question in mind as we make our resolutions: “Are they aligned with the Lord?”. Then comes the question, “how will I know if they are?”.

President Gordon B. Hinckley gives the perfect response after reading Moroni 7:13,16–17, he said, “That’s the test, when all is said and done. Does it persuade one to do good, to rise, to stand tall, to do the right thing, to be kind, to be generous? . . .

“If it invites to do good, it is of God. If it inviteth to do evil, it is of the devil.”1

Are the things we are aspiring to do going to help us brighten the world through our words and actions with the light of the gospel? Will we be true disciples of the Savior as we do these things? Doing the will of the Lord is not always the easiest. There will be times when we will be humiliated, mocked and mistreated. If this happens, we wonder if it would have been easier to just stick with our own wills, but when we make the love for the Savior and His atoning sacrifice the reason for choosing to go the extra mile, it will always be worth it. We will be able to live with ourselves knowing that we chose the higher way. We will remain of good cheer. We are not alone when we pursue His will. As we try, He bears us up and fills us with His ennobling power so that we can do more than we would otherwise have been able to do.

The Truth

Our wills do not always match the will of the Lord. We think that when we live the right way, then the Lord will match His will to ours. However, when we live the right way, we become aligned with Him. Truth is constant. The Savior lived the right way, and He set the perfect example of being aligned with Heavenly Father as He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane when He pleaded to have this cup taken from Him, then in the humblest surrender, He asked that the Lord’s will be done.2

The Lord does not have to align His will to ours and His will may not be what we expect but when we know He loves us and desires our happiness, we can have the hope that everything will eventually turn in our own favors just like Isaiah prophesied of the Savior, “He shall see the travails of his soul and be satisfied; by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.”3 After going through the most unimaginable pain in the most sacred expression of the purest love and humility, He had joy.

We also will have joy if we trust in the will of the Lord. The year 2020 will come with its own experiences—some may be expected, others unexpected—but we can be assured that it will be most fruitful when we embrace Heavenly Father’s will and take all we can from the experience.

It may not be the easiest, but we were not created to be ordinary. We were created to do hard things and we can as we bear in mind that we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us.4 He loves us, desires our happiness, and most importantly, He lives!
