Ministering in the Lord’s Vineyard
April 2020

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Ministering in the Lord’s Vineyard

I was called to serve as a full-time missionary in the India New Delhi Mission. I love to serve the Lord and His people.

It was a great moment when I got my mission call. I thought that I would never serve as a full-time missionary due to my health issues. But through God’s grace, I had the opportunity to serve Him.

One of the greatest blessings that I received by serving God is the love and care of so many people in Delhi. Also, the love of my branch members.

Without parents I suffered a lot since childhood, but now I have so many people that I can call my family. All these have been given to me in my mission. I served the Lord with all my heart, might, mind and strength.1 As I loved my Heavenly Father, He showed His love through people around me. They showed me love as my family.

One thing that I learnt from my mission experience is, “one’s life cannot be both faith-filled and stress-free.”2 During my mission I was so happy to have so many families who love me. On the other hand, I was getting weak as I had health issues which affected me a lot. I was expecting the Lord to give me a stress-free and faith-filled life.

Elder Neal A. Maxwell said, “How can you and I really expect to glide naively through life, as if to say, ‘Lord give me experience, but not grief, not sorrow, not pain, not opposition, not betrayal, and certainly not to be forsaken. Keep from me, Lord, all those experiences which made Thee what Thou art!’”3

When I read this quote, I felt peace in my heart even when I’m suffering physically. It has given me a strong assurance that if we want to be Christ’s disciple, we need to go through challenges as He did. Challenges can appear to be things we can’t bear.

It was a great challenge for me to get a mission call, to serve, for only 14 months, not 18 months which made me sad. But through God’s grace I can still feel the peace and happiness.

Sometimes we choose good and expect God to bless us in a way we want. But a true disciple of Christ needs to accept the God’s will rather than our desires.

I know that as we serve Him in the time given to us, whether it’s 18 months or 2 years, with all our heart, might, mind and strength, we will be blessed according to His will and His timing. I know that Jesus is the Christ and He atoned for us. I know he loves us unconditionally. And all he asks us to do is to keep His commandments.


  1. See Doctrine & Covenants 4:2.

  2. Neal A. Maxwell, “Lest Ye Be Wearied and Faint in Your Minds,” Ensign, May 1991, 88.

  3. Neal A. Maxwell, “Lest Ye Be Wearied and Faint in Your Minds”, 88.
