A Dream Come True
June 2020

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A Dream Come True

The Church recently published a rendering of what the temple in Bengaluru, India will look like. Great joy filled my soul as I cast my eyes upon so lovely a sight, that for so long was a cherished dream! This dream shared by many, was talked about for years in our testimony meetings, church lessons and homes. It is now a dream come true for not only the Saints in India, but also those who have served in this land. It was a dream that fueled our missionary efforts. And now we get to see it with our own eyes. This is the sweet fruit of our labors. This is the grand grace of God. This is (as we recited so often on our missions) the standard of truth erected and going forth “boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.”1

To me the temple is a physical symbol of God’s love and grace. Where He reminds me that He has a plan to bring me safely back to Him. Where He offers us all so much more than we deserve—even everything He has. The beautiful covenants I have made in these sacred buildings have brought rich blessings to my life. I praise His name for the glorious promise of eternal families that can be received in these Holy houses. I rejoice, because this temple is a towering symbol of the promised blessings to come to generations of saints in India.

When the Church published a rendering of the temple to be built in Bengaluru, a friend messaged me, pointing out how closely it resembled a picture I had drawn in my missionary journal 20 years ago. I had forgotten all about this drawing, so I immediately looked for the journal and was awestruck to see that my friend was right. To me this was a very personal and special manifestation of God’s love for me. How utterly grateful I am to see this dream come true. My rendering in 1999, depicted my stick-figure future family going to the temple outside our home in India. Although I now live in Melbourne, Australia with my family, I can’t wait for us to one day visit this temple. But for now, I truly rejoice with by brothers and sisters in India and many Saints around the world, as we celebrate a sight that we have so longed to behold.

Hosanna to God our Father and His Son, in whose name I share this testimony.


  1. Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 142.
