A Tsunami and a Life-Changing Choice
June 2020

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A Tsunami and a Life-Changing Choice

SRI LANKA—Manoj Kumar Perera met a man that would change his life forever. Was it a coincidence or providence?

Tourists love to see the sites of beautiful Sri Lanka such as religious monuments, elephant orphanages, beautiful landscapes and safaris. Kumar is in the travel business, scheduling trips for tourists and business travelers alike. Some of these trips he personally chauffeurs and has opportunities to meet a variety of people.

In 2013, Kumar had just finished a tour at a hotel by Crescat shopping mall in Colombo, Sri Lanka. He noticed a gentleman standing there waiting and asked if he needed a ride somewhere. The man said “yes, if you can help me.” The man told him it was his first time to Sri Lanka. His name was David Berrett, president of the India Bengaluru Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Minutes later Kumar dropped him at the church. President Berrett seemed surprised how easily he navigated so he asked for Kumar’s phone number before they parted ways.

Two minutes later, President Berrett called Kumar and asked if he could pick up his wife at the same hotel and bring her to the church. Again, impressed with his services, he decided to make Kumar his regular Sri Lanka driver. Over time, President and Sister Berrett became good friends with Kumar and his family.

After a while, and as his schedule permitted, Kumar decided to attend church at the local branch. Seeing something different and good there he decided it would be good for his children. They enjoyed it and a few months later were baptized members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Over the years, Kumar met two other mission presidents and occasionally had the opportunity to take some couple missionaries on tours which also had a positive influence on him. After talking with some good members, Kumar decided to take the missionary lessons.

Kumar remembered the first lesson when President Roshan, Negombo branch president, told him he shouldn’t worry if a tour group commitment prevented him from coming to church sometimes. He assured him that this church is not for perfect people but those who are striving to become perfect.

Kumar exclaimed, “This was wonderful to my ears,” as this issue of missing church after committing himself to Christ weighed heavily on his mind. Now he could progress with a clear conscience and learn more about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

“The Book of Mormon was very nice to read. It helped me feel closer to my wife and more comfortable with my family,” says Kumar. In December of 2019, Kumar was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Kumar grew up near Panadura, Sri Lanka in below poverty conditions. He found it difficult to get enough to eat each day. His father was uneducated and worked very hard selling coconuts. He would hang king coconuts on his bicycle and try to sell them along the road. Sometimes, Kumar would go with him. Kumar described his father’s love and determination to provide for his family, “I saw his eyes when he didn’t sell the coconuts . . . he was so sad he couldn’t feed us. He was a very good man. He never smoked or drank alcohol.”

“When I was 16, I ‘came to Jesus’ on the road one day when I was walking alone. I was so hungry. There was a priest that helped me to come to the Church and build myself. God gave me everything, every day, through people. Now I’m very comfortable with many blessings and my wonderful wife and three children,” asserted Kumar.

Kumar said for many years he had a good relationship with Jesus. He said he has prayed to God daily for 30 years and has received help in times of need, “I’ve had many miracles in life.”

In December 2004, Kumar was taking a tour of southern Sri Lanka with a client from Germany. Unexpectedly, the man changed his plans and told him to drop him at his hotel by the beach. He told Kumar he would call him in a few days to continue his tour. Kumar could have stayed to enjoy the beach but decided to call his tour partners for another assignment. They asked him to take a client to Kandy, a mountain area in Sri Lanka. While in Kandy, he heard on the news that a terrible tsunami had hit southern Sri Lanka exactly where he was earlier that day. His client from Germany never called him back, as the hotel where he dropped him off was destroyed. Sri Lankan authorities reported over 31,000 confirmed dead with several thousand others missing, nearly 0.2 percent of the population of Sri Lanka.

Avoiding the tsunami reinforced Kumar’s commitment to pray. He thanked God for saving his life that day and continues to thank God in prayer daily.
