Becoming Better without Becoming Bitter
February 2022

“Becoming Better without Becoming Bitter,” Liahona, February 2022

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Becoming Better without Becoming Bitter

a woman with eyes closed

Illustration by David Green

As God’s children in this earthly wilderness, we frequently make mistakes, choose unwisely, and feel dragged down by doubts and discouragement. Our loving Father knew that our difficult days would refine us and cause us to turn to Him for divine correction, direction, and connection.

God’s plan of happiness includes covenants that strengthen us and bind us to Him. Using the example of a faithful brother and sister, Elder Neil L. Andersen teaches us what it means to be covenant people (see page 6).

As I have studied and given presentations on happiness, resilience, and flourishing families, I have been able to see more clearly how God is in the very details of lives. On page 16, I share a message that includes four phrases that have helped provide hope and perspective when all seems lost.

The reason why there is peace on the covenant path is that this strait and narrow path leads directly to the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. He is the way. And His way leads to “peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come” (Doctrine and Covenants 59:23).

With love,

David Schramm

Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Utah State University

animals boarding Noah’s ark

“With thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons’ wives with thee.”

The Animals Board Noah’s Ark, by Jacopo Bassano, Heritage Images / Getty Images
