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Patriarchal Blessings—Insights from Prophets and Patriarchs
Learn more about the purposes and promises of patriarchal blessings.
Photograph by Jeremy Hall
“I remember the first time I gave a patriarchal blessing,” says Vyacheslav A. Protopopov, a patriarch living in Moscow, Russia. “Of course, I had pondered, studied, and prepared spiritually. I was nervous, but when the moment came, the Spirit filled the room and removed any fear or restraint. The Spirit helped me to hear the words which came into my heart.”
Like Brother Protopopov, patriarchs throughout the Church declare lineage and provide patriarchal blessings through the spirit of revelation. Here are some teachings from prophets and apostles, along with thoughts from four patriarchs, about receiving and following this sacred source of spiritual guidance.
Personal Messages from Heavenly Father
“Across the world, noble patriarchs prepare spiritually to give patriarchal blessings,” said Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “As the patriarch lays his hands on your head, he feels and expresses God’s love for you. He pronounces your lineage in the house of Israel. He indicates blessings from the Lord.”1
Patriarch Clayne A. Steed of Alberta, Canada, shared: “Again and again, I am humbled by the uniqueness of blessings given—the words, phrases, and sentences. Through the prompting of the Holy Ghost, they become impressions, thoughts, and words that find voice through me as the intermediary so that Heavenly Father may bless His children. I can only begin to appreciate the significance of what is spoken because it is not my blessing—it is God’s blessing” to His children.
“Just as there are many things that differentiate us in our individuality and our experiences, our patriarchal blessing is also personal,” says Emile E. Bailly of Loiret, France. “Each of the children of our Heavenly Father can know, by the power of revelation, that this blessing comes from God for him or her personally.”
“Your patriarchal blessing is yours and yours alone,” said President Thomas S. Monson (1927–2018). “It may be brief or lengthy, simple or profound. Length and language do not a patriarchal blessing make. It is the Spirit that conveys the true meaning.”2
Our Role in Promised Blessings
Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles reminded us that “either by literal lineage or adoption,” we are “rightful heir[s] to the promises made by God to Abraham. We are the seed of Abraham. One of the primary reasons we receive a patriarchal blessing is to help us more fully understand who we are as the posterity of Abraham and to recognize the responsibility that rests upon us.”3 Our patriarchal blessings can help us recognize both the work and the blessings that Heavenly Father has prepared for us through our righteousness.
“A patriarchal blessing helps us grow in faith and testimony, overcome trials, and be happy,” Brother Protopopov says. “As we study the blessing, more is revealed to us through inspiration, our desire to be righteous, and our striving to follow the precepts and teachings of living prophets. If we regularly study our blessing, it will help us come closer to Jesus Christ and to see and appreciate righteousness in our earthly experiences.”
“Agency is a divine gift,” Brother Steed says. “As we wisely exercise that gift by making righteous choices, that which is a possibility becomes a reality again and again as the Lord blesses us individually. The Lord does not force blessings on His children. We must act in righteousness and obedience to obtain the promised blessings.”
As President Russell M. Nelson taught, “Your patriarchal blessing … will help you realize your future potential. Literally, you can lay claim upon the Lord for fulfillment of those blessings through your faithfulness.”4
An Eternal Perspective
“I wish that more people understood that your patriarchal blessing is not for this earth life alone but for the eternities as well,” says Keith L. Stapleton of Georgia, USA. “Keep in mind that Heavenly Father has known us from the very beginning. We are His children. He knows all things about us from that time through this earth life and on into the eternities. Therefore, our patriarchal blessing may apply to any portion of our existence.”
“Sometimes someone will worry because a promise made in a patriarchal blessing is not yet fulfilled,” taught President Boyd K. Packer (1924–2015), former President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “For instance, a blessing may indicate that a member will be married, and they do not find a companion. That does not mean that the blessing will go unfulfilled. It is well to know that things happen in the Lord’s due time, not always in ours. Things of an eternal nature have no boundaries. From the premortal existence to our existence beyond the veils of death, our life is an eternal life.”5
President James E. Faust (1920–2007), former Second Counselor in the First Presidency, similarly shared that “a patriarchal blessing is a sacred guideline of counsel, promises, and information from the Lord. However, a person should not expect that the blessing will detail all that will happen to him or her, or be an answer to all questions. The omission of the blessing of a great event in life such as a mission or marriage does not mean it will not happen. My own blessing is short and is limited to perhaps three quarters of one page on one side, yet it has been completely adequate and perfect for me.” President Faust also said that “patriarchal blessings should be read humbly and prayerfully and frequently.”6
“Our spiritual maturity continually changes for the better according to our efforts,” Brother Bailly says. “That’s why it’s good to reread our patriarchal blessing from time to time, because new impressions and feelings and additional understanding can be given to us for our edification. Heavenly Father never ceases to wish for each one of us all the good that we are capable of receiving. All these things will arrive at the proper time, when we are ready for them, either in this life or afterward.”