undefined undefined Getting Your Patriarchal Blessing
Getting Your Patriarchal Blessing
August 2022

My Covenant Path

Getting Your Patriarchal Blessing

Your own personal Liahona awaits you!

President Thomas S. Monson (1927–2018) said, “A patriarchal blessing literally contains chapters from your book of eternal possibilities. …

It is to be read. It is to be loved. It is to be followed. Your patriarchal blessing will see you through the darkest night. It will guide you through life’s dangers. Your patriarchal blessing is to you a personal Liahona . . .

“Your patriarchal blessing is your passport to peace in this life.”1

Every worthy baptized member is entitled to and should receive a patriarchal blessing. Your blessing is eternal and sacred. It is revelation expressly for you. It also reveals a declaration of your lineage in the house of Israel.

A patriarchal blessing is given by a priesthood holder who is especially chosen and ordained for this sacred calling. His responsibility is to listen to Heavenly Father and to give you your unique blessing when you are ready. Your responsibility is to learn about patriarchal blessings, to determine when you are ready to receive this blessing, and to seek out your bishop or branch president to find out how you can receive your personal blessing.

Patriarchal blessings can help and guide you every day. May these testimonies inspire you:

When I went to interview Amina Inot from the Kabiria Branch, Nairobi Kenya West Stake, she smiled and said, “Oh, I was just thinking about my patriarchal blessing! I was not making progress on some goals I had set and went to read my blessing in order to get my focus back. It reminds me of the things that are genuinely the most important in my life. I could then see how to move forward. I am promised so many wonderful blessings if I will do my part. My blessing is like a Liahona to me.”

Heritier Bukasa from the Mangungu Ward, Ngaliema Stake in Kinshasa, DRC, has this to say: “After I received my blessing, it became a guide for my life. Little by little, I see the blessings and promises come to pass in my life and the life of my young family. I am so thankful!”

Haron Kamto from the Kayole 1st Ward, Nairobi Gast Stake, Kenya, received his blessing as an adult in 2012. “I received my patriarchal blessing as part of my preparation to go to the temple. I felt the Spirit so strongly at the time, and each time I read it for counsel, comfort, encouragement, consolation, and guidance, I feel that same strong Spirit and witness that these are the Lord’s words and promises to me.”

Heavenly Father has a personal blessing for each one of us to help us through mortality. It is up to you and to me to prepare for and seek out that blessing. Each one of us needs his own personal Liahona.


  1. Thomas S. Monson, “Your Patriarchal Blessing”, Ensign, Oct. 1986, 66, 67.