“Recent Messages from Church Leaders,” Liahona, Oct. 2022, United States and Canada Section.
Ministry of Church Leaders
Recent Messages from Church Leaders
Church leaders share messages around the world. Here are a few highlights from recent messages given in North America.
A Prophet’s Perspective on Prayer
President Russell M. Nelson shared his insights on prayer for the National Day of Prayer on May 5. He explained how some feel that using “the phrase ‘thoughts and prayers’ … is still a sincere expression of condolence and concern. For others, it is viewed as a perceived lack of action in the face of tragedy.
“I have a firm belief that praying for those in need is pleasing to God; in fact, He commands us to turn to Him and to pray for others! However, it is my own personal experience that when I ask God in prayer for direction on what I can do to help minister, lift, love, and support those in need, He answers these prayers with specific and simple things I can actually do to bless one of His children.
“I invite you to consider how your thoughts and prayers can be a catalyst for God to inspire and direct you toward acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity.”1
Four Voices to Listen To
On Thursday, April 7, 2022, Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke to graduating students from Brigham Young University–Idaho. He asked them to regularly ponder the question “Who am I listening to?” He shared four voices to listen to: (1) prophets and apostles, (2) “family and friends who are full of faith,” (3) the Holy Spirit, and (4) Jesus Christ. He asked, “Will you largely be influenced by virtuous, motivating, righteous, insightful, and spiritually sensitive voices, or will you be influenced more by negative, complaining, flattering, cynical, and carnal voices?”2
Five Reasons Religious Freedom Matters
On April 19, 2022, President Camille N. Johnson, Relief Society General President, spoke at the Freedom to Serve Symposium in Iowa. She gave five reasons religious freedom matters to her: Religious freedom (1) permits us to live our core beliefs of loving God and neighbor, (2) is foundational to the doctrine and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (3) allows our neighbors and friends to practice their beliefs, (4) builds strong communities and teaches us how to live together in respect and love, and (5) provides a beacon of hope and light in the face of our world’s tragedies.
She also explained how religious freedom can help us connect with others: “When we love our neighbors, we don’t just seek their rights, but also their interests, concerns, and sensitivities. Religious freedom is not just a battle to be fought but is a way to connect and bless those around us, even those with whom we may disagree.”3
Temple Renovation and Revelation
The renovated Washington D.C. Temple was rededicated on August 14. Church leaders spoke to about 150 members of the media prior to the public open house. Around 4,300 special guests were invited to tour the historic temple in the capital of the United States as part of a series of private tours.
Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke to journalists of the peace found in the temple: “God offers each of us a sacred place of peace and healing and purpose where we can connect with heaven, where we can connect with each other. And we can connect with our truest, noblest self.”
Sister Reyna I. Aburto, recently released as a counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, shared how renovation can be symbolic in our lives: “We believe that people can be renovated, that we can change, that our hearts can change as we dedicate our life to love and serve others.”4