Faith in Jesus Christ
April 2023

“Faith in Jesus Christ,” Liahona, Apr. 2023.

Gospel Basics

Faith in Jesus Christ

profile of Jesus

Jesus Christ, by Harry Anderson

Having faith in Jesus Christ is the first principle of the gospel (see Articles of Faith 1:4). Our faith will help us make choices that will lead us back to our Heavenly Father. We can work to strengthen our faith throughout our lives.

children and youth gathered around a book

What Is Faith?

Faith is a firm belief or trust in something. To have faith includes hoping for and believing in things that are true, even when we can’t see them or completely understand them (see Hebrews 11:1; Alma 32:21).

portrait of Jesus Christ

Detail from Christ and the Rich Young Ruler, by Heinrich Hofmann

Faith Centered in Jesus Christ

To lead to salvation, our faith must be centered in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer. Having faith in Christ means having confidence in Him. It means relying completely on Him—trusting in His power, intelligence, and love. It also includes believing and following His teachings.

couple studying the scriptures

Increasing Our Faith

Faith is a gift from God, but we must seek for it and work to keep it strong. We can increase our faith by praying and studying the scriptures and teachings of latter-day prophets. We also strengthen our faith as we live righteously and keep our covenants.

Living by Faith

Faith is much more than just belief. It includes acting on that belief. We show our faith in the way we live. Faith in Jesus Christ motivates us to follow His perfect example. Our faith leads us to obey the commandments, repent of our sins, and make and keep covenants.

Jesus healing a blind man

Faith Can Lead to Miracles

True faith brings miracles, which may include visions, dreams, healings, and other gifts that come from God. The scriptures contain many stories of people who received miracles from the Lord because of their faith in Him. See “Miracle” in the Guide to the Scriptures for some examples.

Faith Can Bring Peace

Having faith in God and His plan of salvation can strengthen us during our challenges. Faith can give us strength to press forward and face our hardships with courage. Even when the future seems uncertain, our faith in the Savior can give us peace.

father holding his child as they look at painting of Jesus

Faith in Jesus Christ Leads to Salvation

Exercising faith in Christ will lead to our salvation. Christ has prepared the way for us to receive eternal life. As we live by our faith in Him, we can be forgiven of our sins and return to live with God again.
