How Do I Spend My Time?
April 2023

“How Do I Spend My Time?,” Liahona, April 2023.

Come, Follow Me

Luke 10

How Do I Spend My Time?

Jesus talking to Mary and Martha

Mary And Martha, by Harold Copping © Providence Collection / licensed from GoodSalt.com

Martha was a loyal disciple of Christ (see John 11:27). When Jesus Christ visited her home, Martha worked hard to ensure her guests were taken care of. Her sister Mary “sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word” (Luke 10:39). After Martha became overwhelmed with the workload, Christ gave her a gentle reminder to refocus on what was most important at the time. Martha was doing good work, “but one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part” (verse 42).

As the Come, Follow Me manual suggests, this account can encourage us to evaluate how we spend our time. Here are some possible questions to get you started.

  1. Am I stressed out by trying to do too many good things?

  2. Are these good things pushing aside better, holier things?

  3. What stressful things can I cut out of my life?

  4. What beneficial things can I add more of in my life?

  5. How can I make time to hear the Savior?
