Trust in Your Faith
April 2023

Member Voices

Trust in Your Faith

“I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded” (1 Nephi 3:7), a scripture that has been a motivating tool for me, Sister Mercy Leonardo, as I was soon to be a missionary in the Dominican Republic Santo Domingo West Mission. This is one of my faith-promoting experiences.

Everything started to fall into place when it came time for me to serve my mission. I could feel my testimony of this wonderful gospel growing stronger every day. After serving in my mission for four weeks, my mother, Rosa, expressed a desire to be baptized. My joy could not have been greater. I could see that my desire to share the gospel with others had been affecting the lives of many, including that of my mother. Seven months later, my mother was baptized. It was a beautiful and spiritual baptism. There were many family members and friends that attended, and even though many of them were not members of the Church, they were extremely happy for her. It was a day of great joy. I was grateful to be able to witness this great miracle and to know that someday my family would be together for eternity.

Was this conversion just a matter of chance? True conversion doesn’t happen by chance. No, it is based on a trusting relationship with our Savior, and it may take time to develop.

Recall in the Bible, Peter’s experience when he had the desire and will to walk upon the water to meet Jesus. Like Peter, we may have our moments when we lack faith, and as Peter’s story continues, we read, “And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” (Matthew 14:31).

The scriptures share with us various times when Peter’s resolve was challenged, however, Peter became an example of absolute trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, right to the very end of his life.

Developing faith is often a long process and we need to be gentle with ourselves and others as it is nurtured. If we are of good cheer and are good examples, we will be planting seeds, and through us others will gain their own faith; they will be able to feel the Savior’s love as the Holy Ghost touches their hearts.

Nephi taught us on many occasions to be faithful, “for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them” (1 Nephi 3:7).

I was able to see these scriptures come to fruition with my family, and so can you. I know Jesus Christ lives. He can make possible what we think is difficult or impossible to achieve. If we trust Him, He will be our hope and light. Those who trust in Him will never fail.
