Merthyr Tydfil Sisters Focus on the Temple
April 2023

Merthyr Tydfil Sisters Focus on the Temple

Guiding the sisters back to the temple was the goal of the Merthyr Tydfil Wales Stake Relief Society presidency when they set out to plan a temple focus week.

Aware that many sisters had not returned to the temple since COVID-19 restrictions had been lifted, the presidency decided to encourage not only temple attendance, but also an invitation to focus on the temple all week.

Kicking off the focus week with a Sunday evening devotional, sisters in the stake were introduced to a calendar of activities which would help them to turn their hearts to the temple, their covenants and their family each day.

Much thought went into the ideas for the daily activities and it was hoped that the sisters would connect with their living relatives, as well as complete research for their deceased ancestors. Suggested activities for the week centered on family history projects, conference talks, service opportunities, scriptures and ideas to make connections with living relatives.

During the devotional, sisters also heard talks from President and Sister Jensen, who were just about to be released from the London England Temple presidency. They shared beautiful testimonies of how their time in the temple had taught them about the importance of covenants, and how the temple experience is personal and individual.

Merthyr Tydfil Stake president, Simon Hayes, spoke to the sisters and left his blessing upon their efforts in the coming week.

The week culminated with over 40 sisters attending the London England Temple together. The sisters were joined in the temple on the day by young adult brethren from the stake, who assisted in all aspects of a special baptistry session.

One sister commented, “I enjoyed the company and conversation with the sisters on the drive to the temple, and was blessed that more work was accomplished than I had anticipated.”

Stories have been shared of ancestors discovered in that week, that had been hidden in what was thought to be completed family lines. A sister from the Milford Haven Branch shared how she felt prompted to look through all the certificates that her father had gathered. There she discovered a cause of death that led her to be able to have an infant sealed to their parents.

With distances to the temple being so far for many families in the stake, the actual temple visit on the Saturday was an act of faith on the part of the presidency. Stake Relief Society president, Theresa Williams commented. “Our faith was rewarded as the temple filled with the happy faces of so many of our sisters. It was a real glimpse of heaven for us to all be there together. Participating in the activities of the week brought a sense of unity even though we were taking part separately. We knew that somewhere in the stake our sisters were joined with us in the work of salvation. ‘Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being one accord, of one mind’ (Philippians 2:2).”
