An Instrument of Comfort
October 2023

An Instrument of Comfort

Most Sundays our small chapel receives members from other countries who visit us during their vacations. Usually, when they attend sacrament meeting, they sit together as a family in the same row. But one Sunday in March, we had many visitors and among them a family comprised of parents and their two children. Their oldest son, about four years old, walked into the chapel and decided to sit next to me. Teddy, which is his name, greeted me and we chatted briefly. During the sacrament meeting, Teddy asked me with much interest, what the name was of each hymn we sang. Listening to each hymn, he gave a thumbs-up with his small hand that he liked it, while remaining reverent for someone his age. He also played with his book that had drawings of animals, which required him to place stickers and create different animals. At the conclusion of the sacrament meeting, Teddy stood up, gave me the drawings as a gift, put his name on them, hugged me tightly, told me “It was a pleasure to meet you” and said goodbye in the most loving, sweet, and pure way that only a child can do.

In that very special little moment, I could feel the pure love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. It came through Teddy’s embrace when I needed it most.

This scripture came to mind from Isaiah 25:4 that says, “For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat.”

I could see that my prayers for comfort and strength were answered through the embrace and love of a child. Just as God showed love and comfort to me as His child through Teddy, we too can be instruments of comfort in God’s hands for someone else.

God knows His children and sends those you least expect at the most opportune and unexpected time to comfort you.

I testify that Jesus Christ knows the need of each of His children, and if we turn to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, He will answer us and we will receive the comfort we need in ways perfectly suited to our needs. He loves us and wants us to be happy and to progress spiritually.

It is my testimony that without Jesus Christ, our lives would be very difficult to bear. I invite you to trust and exercise your faith and you will see miracles, feel His presence and never be alone in your difficulties. Jesus Christ lives and is the way, the truth, and the life.
