How Can We Live “After the Manner of Happiness”?
February 2024

“How Can We Live ‘After the Manner of Happiness’?,” Liahona, Feb. 2024.

Come, Follow Me

2 Nephi 5

How Can We Live “After the Manner of Happiness”?

young people gathered outside a temple

Often in life we can make the mistake of believing that happiness consists only of having fun or not having any problems. However, according to the Book of Mormon, lasting happiness as a follower of Jesus Christ consists of much more.

Nephi said, “We lived after the manner of happiness” (2 Nephi 5:27). But did that mean they were happy because they had easy lives? Of course not! In 2 Nephi 4, Nephi describes problems that frustrated him. In chapter 5 we learn what true happiness consists of.

Sources of Happiness

How can each of the following bring us happiness?

What Is Real Happiness?

“Many people try to find happiness and fulfillment in activities that are contrary to the Lord’s commandments. …

“Others seek only to have fun in life. With this as their main goal, they allow temporary pleasure to distract them from lasting happiness. They rob themselves of the enduring joys of spiritual growth, service, and hard work.

“As we seek to be happy, we should remember that the only way to real happiness is to live the gospel. We will find peaceful, eternal happiness as we strive to keep the commandments, pray for strength, repent of our sins, participate in wholesome activities, and give meaningful service.”1


  1. Topics and Questions, “Happiness,” topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.