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Choosing a Different Religious Path
July 2024

Handbook Highlight

22.2.2 The Law of the Fast and Fast Offerings

The Lord has established the law of the fast and fast offerings to bless His people and to provide a way for them to serve those in need. The law of the fast blesses both givers and receivers. Members grow closer to the Lord and increase in spiritual strength as they live the law of the fast. They also strengthen their own self-reliance and develop greater compassion. (See Isaiah 58:6–12Malachi 3:8–12.)

Fasting may be done at any time. However, members usually observe the first Sabbath of the month as a fast day. A fast day typically includes the following:

  • Praying

  • Going without food and drink for a 24-hour period (if physically able)

  • Giving a generous fast offering

A fast offering is a donation to help those in need. When members fast, they are invited to give an offering that is at least equal to the value of the meals not eaten. Members are encouraged to be generous and give more than the value of these meals if they can.

Members may give their fast offering and a completed Tithing and Other Offerings form to the bishop or one of his counselors. In some areas, they can also make their donation online.  In some wards, the bishop may authorize Aaronic Priesthood holders to collect fast offerings (see 34.3.2).

See General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 22.2.2, Gospel Library.