Quotes for When You Need to Trust the Lord
July 2024

Digital Only: Young Adults

Quotes for When You Need to Trust the Lord

When we are facing challenges, we can look to truths taught by our leaders about why we can trust in Jesus Christ and what that means for our lives.

a man bowing his head and praying

One of my greatest weaknesses is struggling to trust others. I reason away compliments from others and struggle with negative self-talk. Only recently did I realized that my negative self-image also made me distrust the truth of Jesus Christ’s Atonement.

One night, I started listening to a podcast.

“We don’t believe Christ when He says, ‘I can change you,’” the guest, Dr. Kerry Muhlestein, stated. “We think our ability to sin can overpower the Atonement.”

In that moment, I realized that this was how I thought of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I knew Christ had the power to change and save, but I didn’t believe He could change and save me. I needed to accept and have faith that I don’t need to be perfect before I can seek the blessings of the Savior’s Atonement, no matter how imperfect I feel.

When I trust that Christ knows and loves me perfectly, I feel more positive about myself. I can accept compliments humbly, knowing I am a child of God. Here are some quotes from inspired leaders and others to encourage you to trust the Lord.


  1. Kerry Muhlestein, interview with Hank Smith and John Bytheway, Follow Him, podcast audio, May 6, 2022.