We Are Disciples of Jesus Christ
October 2024

“We Are Disciples of Jesus Christ,” Liahona, Oct. 2024.

For Parents

We Are Disciples of Jesus Christ

a mother and daughter walking together

Dear Parents,

The Lord loves your children and wants them to be able to hear Him. The articles in this issue can guide you as you teach your children how to receive and recognize personal revelation. You can use these ideas to help your children build a closer relationship with their Heavenly Father and the Savior.

Gospel Discussions

How Do We Achieve Unity?

President Nelson’s article on page 2 outlines seven principles that will help us fulfill the Lord’s commandment to “be one” (Doctrine and Covenants 38:27). Which of these principles could you discuss with your children? For example, how does making and keeping covenants create unity with others?

Take His Name upon You through Ministering

The article on page 8 by Elder Villar teaches how the Savior ministered during His time on earth. As a family, you could pray to know who needs help and how they need to be ministered to. Discuss with your children how they feel after the prayer. Help them recognize the answers they received.

The Lord Wants to Speak to You

Use the article “Because of Thy Faith Thou Hast Seen” (page 20) to teach your children about receiving revelation. The author mentions how the Lord can give us guidance for our life’s mission through a patriarchal blessing. You could share how your patriarchal blessing has guided you.