Preston, United Kingdom
October 2024

“Preston, United Kingdom,” Liahona, Oct. 2024.

The Church Is Here

Preston, United Kingdom

map of world with circle around the United Kingdom
city of Preston

Heber C. Kimball (1801–68) was one of six missionaries called to preach the gospel in England in 1837. This was the first mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints outside of North America. The work began in Preston, and by the time Elder Kimball returned home in 1838, more than 1,500 people had joined the Church. Currently, the Church in the United Kingdom has:

  • Over 186,000 members

  • 317 wards and branches

  • 2 temples in operation, 1 announced

woman with scriptures and a manual

Blessings of Come, Follow Me

Margaret Jest from Reading, England, says, “I am enjoying the Come, Follow Me program and find it to be very motivating. It is helping me learn more about the scriptures and understand them better. It brings me closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and helps me have a relaxing start to the day.”
