undefined undefined Microtraining 2: How to Become a Self-Reliant Learner
Microtraining 2: How to Become a Self-Reliant Learner

“Microtraining 2: How to Become a Self-Reliant Learner,” Answering My Gospel Questions Teacher Material (2022)

“How to Become a Self-Reliant Learner,” Answering My Gospel Questions Teacher Material

Microtraining 2

How to Become a Self-Reliant Learner


Display the following statement by Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

Elder David A. Bednar

As learners, you and I are to act and be doers of the word and not simply hearers who are only acted upon. (David A. Bednar, “Seek Learning by Faith,” Ensign, Sept. 2007, 64)


Select one of the following passages to read, or watch the video “A Teacher,” featuring President Howard W. Hunter. Then discuss how the passage or video illustrates the principle of being a self-reliant learner.

  • Ether 2:22–25; 3:1, 4–6 (The brother of Jared asks the Lord for a way to light the barges.)

  • Doctrine and Covenants 9:7–9 (Oliver Cowdery learns why he could not translate the Book of Mormon.)

  • A Teacher” (2:56) (President Hunter shares an account that illustrates the power of being a self-reliant learner.)



To help students apply what it means to be a self-reliant learner, especially when facing a difficult issue, share the following scenario:

Sarah learned on social media something unsettling about the history of the Church. She asks some friends about it. After hearing their responses, she is even more confused.

Have students work with a partner or in small groups and discuss what Sarah could do to become a more self-reliant learner.

End by asking one or two students to share what they have learned from this application activity.