“Microtraining 4: How to Reframe Difficult or Sensitive Topics from an Eternal Perspective,” Answering My Gospel Questions Teacher Material (2022)
“How to Reframe Difficult or Sensitive Topics from an Eternal Perspective,” Answering My Gospel Questions Teacher Material
Microtraining 4
How to Reframe Difficult or Sensitive Topics from an Eternal Perspective
Display and read the following statement:
To examine doctrinal concepts, questions, and social issues with an eternal perspective, we consider them in the context of the plan of salvation and the teachings of the Savior. We seek the help of the Holy Ghost in order to see things as the Lord sees them. This allows us to reframe the question (to see the question differently) and view ideas based on the Lord’s standard of truth rather than accepting the world’s premises or assumptions [see 1 Corinthians 2:5, 9–11]. (Doctrinal Mastery Core Document [2022], 3)
Provide students the following handout:
Questions to Help Reframe a Difficult or Sensitive Topic from an Eternal Perspective
Answering My Gospel Questions—Microtraining 4: How to Reframe Difficult or Sensitive Topics from an Eternal Perspective
What are some possible misunderstandings or false assumptions someone might have about this topic?
What do we know about Heavenly Father, His plan, and the teachings of the Savior as they relate to this topic? How could this knowledge help us reframe our thinking with an eternal perspective?
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Questions to Help Reframe a Difficult or Sensitive Topic from an Eternal Perspective
Help students see how they could begin to reframe doctrinal concepts, questions, and social issues from an eternal perspective by watching the video “Examining Questions with an Eternal Perspective” (2:55).

Display the following questions: Why does the Church oppose elective abortion for personal or social convenience? Isn’t this a matter of personal choice?
Invite students to review the questions in the “Define” section. Then ask them to work with a partner and practice reframing the questions on abortion from an eternal perspective.
Encourage students to give each other feedback on their answers. If time permits, select another question to practice reframing.