Mosiah 3:1–17: Salvation through Jesus Christ

“Mosiah 3:1–17: Salvation through Jesus Christ,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“Mosiah 3:1–17,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Mosiah 3:1–17

Salvation through Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

Throughout history, angels have visited the earth to testify of Jesus Christ and declare “glad tidings of great joy” (Mosiah 3:3; Alma 13:22; Helaman 16:14). King Benjamin received such a visit. He shared with his people the angel’s testimony of Jesus Christ, the things the Savior would experience, and the truth that salvation comes only through the name of Christ. This lesson can help you understand the importance of what Jesus Christ did so that you can be saved.

Helping students learn to ponder. “To ponder” means to meditate or think deeply about something, and it often includes prayer. As students learn to ponder during their personal scripture study, the Spirit will reveal truth to them and help them know how they can become more like Jesus Christ.

Student preparation: You could invite students to discuss with a family member, friend, or Church leader blessings that are possible only because of Jesus Christ.

Possible Learning Activity

Glad tidings of great joy

Consider displaying an image of angels announcing the Savior’s birth.

  • Can you think of times when angels came to earth to testify of Jesus Christ?

One example is in Luke 2:10–12. Read these verses or watch the video “Shepherds Learn of the Birth of Christ” from time code 0:00 to 1:47, looking for what the angel said to announce the Savior’s birth. This video is available on


Shepherds Learn of the Birth of Christ

An angel also appeared to King Benjamin. Read Mosiah 3:3–4, looking for the similarities between what the angel told the shepherds and what the angel told King Benjamin.

  • What do you know about Jesus Christ that would be considered “glad tidings of great joy”?

In his discourse to his people included in Mosiah 3:1–17, King Benjamin shared some of the angel’s message. This message addressed the life and mission of Jesus Christ, how they could receive joy, and what Jesus offers that no one else can.

The only name by which salvation comes

Read Mosiah 3:17, looking for what Jesus Christ offers.

  • What truth can you identify from verse 17?

Students may identify a variety of truths—for example, salvation comes only through Jesus Christ. Thank students for sharing truths they found, and consider writing one or more on the board.

  • What impressions did you have as you studied these verses?

  • What are some phrases in these verses that stand out to you?

  • What did you find that causes you to rejoice?

Read the following statement from Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles looking for what Jesus Christ saves us from:

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through the incalculable gift of His Atonement, not only saves us from death and offers us, through repentance, forgiveness for our sins, but He also stands ready to save us from the sorrows and pains of our wounded souls. (Neil L. Andersen, “Wounded,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018, 85)

The following questions are intended to help students feel their need for the Savior. Invite students to silently ponder their answers. Seek guidance from the Spirit to know other ways you can help students sense their individual need for Jesus Christ.

Think about what you need to be saved from. Are there sins you are striving to overcome? Are there sorrows or pains you are experiencing? As you study Mosiah 3, seek inspiration through the Holy Ghost to help you know how you can receive the salvation Jesus Christ offers.

Read Mosiah 3:5–10, looking for what Jesus Christ did so that you can be saved. Take time to read slowly and to ponder. Pondering is one way to invite the Holy Ghost to teach you. You may want to write down ideas and thoughts in your scriptures or study journal.

Ensure that students have sufficient time to read and ponder the scriptures. As some students finish reading before others, consider inviting them to reread certain verses, look up footnotes, or take more time to ponder.

After sufficient time, encourage students to share what impressed them from their study. Consider using some or all of the following questions. You could also invite students to ask questions about the verses.

You may want to watch the video “Jesus Christ Suffered for Us,” available at, looking for how various individuals were blessed through the Savior’s Atonement.


Jesus Christ Suffered for Us

Invite students to share any thoughts or feelings they had if they watched the video. Consider sharing a personal experience or testimony of the Savior and the salvation He offers. Invite willing students to share experiences and testimonies as well.

Read Mosiah 3:11–13, looking for what you need to do to receive joy and salvation through Jesus Christ. Read slowly and ponder these verses. The following questions can help you ponder.

Use some of the questions below, or other questions you feel inspired to ask, to help students discuss the joy that can come through repentance. You could also share Elder Dale G. Renlund’s statement about joy and repentance in the “Commentary and Background Information” section.

Students may benefit from identifying the following principle: If we exercise faith in Jesus Christ and repent, we can be saved from our sins and rejoice with exceedingly great joy.

  • What have you learned or felt about Jesus Christ that motivates you to repent?

  • Why do you think the remission of sins brings joy?

Recall what you need to be saved from. Think about what you studied in Mosiah 3 and the impressions you received from the Spirit. Strive to exercise faith, to repent, and to believe in Christ so that you can receive the Savior’s help and the joy that comes from being forgiven.