Old Testament 2022
January 24–30. Moses 7: “The Lord Called His People Zion”

“January 24–30. Moses 7: ‘The Lord Called His People Zion,’” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 (2021)

“January 24–30. Moses 7,” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: 2022

many people interacting in loving ways

Love One Another, by Emma Donaldson Taylor

January 24–30

Moses 7

“The Lord Called His People Zion”

As you read and ponder Moses 7, record your spiritual impressions. By doing this, you show that you value guidance from the Lord and that you want to receive more of His guidance.

Record Your Impressions

Throughout history, people have tried to achieve what Enoch and his people accomplished: building an ideal society where there is no poverty or violence. As God’s people, we share this desire. We call it building Zion, and it includes—in addition to caring for the poor and promoting peace—making covenants, dwelling together in righteousness, and becoming one with each other and with Jesus Christ, “the King of Zion” (Moses 7:53). Because the work of establishing Zion continues in our day, it’s helpful to ask, How did Enoch and his people do it? How did they become “of one heart and one mind” (Moses 7:18) despite the wickedness around them? Among the many details Moses 7 gives us about Zion, a particularly valuable one for Latter-day Saints might be this: Zion is not just a city—it is a condition of the heart and spirit. Zion, as the Lord has taught, is “the pure in heart” (Doctrine and Covenants 97:21). So perhaps the best way to build Zion is to start in our own hearts and homes.

personal study icon

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

Moses 7:16–21, 27, 53, 62–69

Enoch’s efforts are a pattern for building Zion in our own lives.

Because Moses 7 is a record of how God’s followers successfully built Zion, it can instruct and inspire us today as we strive to do the same. Consider using a table like this one to record what you learn about Zion from Moses 7:16–21, 27, 53, 62–69.


What do you learn about Zion?

What does this suggest about your efforts to build Zion?



What do you learn about Zion?

The people of Zion were “of one heart and one mind.”

What does this suggest about your efforts to build Zion?

We need to be united as families and as a Church.



What do you learn about Zion?

“In process of time, [Zion] was taken up into heaven.”

What does this suggest about your efforts to build Zion?

Building Zion is a gradual process.


What do you learn about Zion?

What does this suggest about your efforts to build Zion?


What do you learn about Zion?

What does this suggest about your efforts to build Zion?

Moses 7:18–19, 53

God’s people should strive to be “of one heart and one mind.”

Moses 7:18–19 lists important characteristics of the people whom the Lord called Zion. Why do you think these characteristics are necessary to build Zion? How is Zion, as described in this chapter, different from other united groups or organizations in the world? As you ponder this question, you might think about these words of Jesus Christ in verse 53: “I am Messiah, the King of Zion.” What does it mean to have Jesus Christ as our King? How does He help us develop the characteristics of Zion?

See also Philippians 2:1–5; 4 Nephi 1:15–18; Doctrine and Covenants 97:21; 105:5.

people greeting each other

We should strive to be “of one heart and one mind” (Moses 7:18).

Moses 7:21, 23–24, 27, 69

What happened to the city of Enoch?

The phrases “taken up” (Moses 7:21, 23), “lifted up” (Moses 7:24), “caught up” (Moses 7:27), and “fled” (Moses 7:69) refer to Zion and the people of Enoch being translated and taken to heaven. People who are translated “are changed so that they do not experience pain or death” as mortals (Guide to the Scriptures, “Translated Beings,” “Zion,” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org; see also 3 Nephi 28:4–9, 15–18, 39–40).

Moses 7:28–69

God weeps for His children.

Some people see God as a distant being who isn’t emotionally affected by what happens to us. But Enoch saw a vision in which God wept for His children. As you read Moses 7:28–40, look for the reasons God wept. In the remainder of Enoch’s vision, described in Moses 7:41–69, what evidence do you find that God is “merciful and kind forever”? (Moses 7:30; see verses 43, 47, and 62 for examples).

Moses 7:62

In the last days God will gather His elect.

Verse 62 describes events of the last days. Consider what phrases like these might mean: “righteousness will I send down out of heaven,” “truth will I send forth out of the earth,” “righteousness and truth will I cause to sweep the earth as with a flood.” What do these phrases teach you about God’s work in the latter days?

family study icon

Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Home Evening

Moses 7:18–19.To help family members visualize what it means to be “of one heart,” maybe you could make a paper heart and cut it into puzzle pieces, enough for each family member to have one piece. Family members could write their name on their piece and then work with each other to put the heart together. While completing the puzzle you might talk about things you love about each family member.

Moses 7:28–31, 35.What do we learn about God from these verses?

Moses 7:32.Why did God give us agency? What might we say to someone who feels that God’s commandments limit our agency? Reading 2 Nephi 2:25–27 might add to this discussion.

Moses 7:59–67.As your family reads Moses 7:59–67, try marking or noting things the Lord tells Enoch about the last days—for example, that God will “gather out [His] elect” (verse 62) and that there will be “great tribulations among the wicked” (verse 66). How can we have faith and hope despite the wickedness in the last days? As part of this discussion, consider reading these words from Elder Ronald A. Rasband: “Take heart, brothers and sisters. Yes, we live in perilous times, but as we stay on the covenant path, we need not fear. I bless you that as you do so, you will not be troubled by the times in which we live or the troubles that come your way. I bless you to choose to stand in holy places and be not moved. I bless you to believe in the promises of Jesus Christ, that He lives and that He is watching over us, caring for us and standing by us” (“Be Not Troubled,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018, 21).

For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.

Suggested song: “Love at Home,” Hymns, no. 294.

Improving Our Teaching

Be observant. As you pay attention to what is happening in your children’s lives, you will find excellent teaching opportunities. Your children’s comments and questions throughout the day can also signal possible teaching moments. (See Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 16.)

Painting of Enoch and people looking up toward light

City of Zion Translated, by Del Parson
