Come, Follow Me
February Week 1: How Can I Live True to My Divine Identity?

“February Week 1: How Can I Live True to My Divine Identity?” Come, Follow Me: For Young Women and Relief Society (2015), 12–13

“February Week 1 | Young Women,” For Young Women and Relief Society, 12–13


February Week 1 | Young Women

How Can I Live True to My Divine Identity?

Seek inspiration from the Holy Ghost as you prayerfully study agency this month in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families (pages 36–39). Consider questions like the following: What choices are the young women facing? How can I inspire them to use their agency wisely?

In a class presidency meeting, help a member of the class presidency prepare to lead the “Share Experiences” and “Plan to Act” sections of this month’s Sunday meetings.

Share Experiences

The Young Women class president or one of her counselors asks questions like the following to help young women share experiences:

  • What experiences have helped us feel that we are daughters of God?

  • As covenant daughters of God, we engage in the work of salvation. How are we fulfilling this work? For example, what successes have we had doing family history work?

Learn Together

The teacher uses one of the activities below or a related idea from Come, Follow Me for individuals and families to help young women understand how to live true to their divine identity. The Young Women president, a counselor, an adviser, or occasionally a young woman leads.

What divine qualities might a daughter of God have? There are lists of divine qualities in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 129); 2 Peter 1; Alma 7:23–24; and Doctrine and Covenants 121:45. To help the young women recognize these divine qualities in themselves, have them write anonymous notes describing the divine qualities they see in each other. They might also review the Attribute Activity on page 126 of Preach My Gospel (2004).

How can we live true to our divine nature? Young women often doubt their self-worth. To help each other recognize and live true to their divine nature, ask them to role-play helping a friend who needs to know that she is a daughter of God. They can read and find ideas in Rosemary M. Wixom’s talk “Discovering the Divinity Within” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 6–8). What does Sister Wixom suggest we can do to live true to our divine nature? What does her counsel make us want to do differently?

How do we feel about the commandments when we understand our divine identity? Share Sister Carole M. Stephens’s story in her talk “If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 118–19) to illustrate how our relationship with God inspires us to obey Him. Invite the young women to think about commandments they have a hard time keeping and recommit themselves to being obedient.

Plan to Act

The class president or one of her counselors concludes the meeting by counseling with the young women about how they can act on what they are learning:

  • How can we learn more about divine nature during the week? For instance, invite the young women to complete divine nature value experience 1.

  • How can we help each other remember our divine identity? For instance, invite the young women to share something about their divine nature on social media.

How Do I Feel Prompted to Teach This Topic?
