Come, Follow Me
March Week 2: How Can Jesus Christ Help Me Change?

“March Week 2: How Can Jesus Christ Help Me Change?” Come, Follow Me: For Young Women and Relief Society (2015), 22–23

“March Week 2,” For Young Women and Relief Society, 22–23

The Atonement of Jesus Christ

March Week 2 | Young Women and Relief Society

How Can Jesus Christ Help Me Change?

Prepare to teach by prayerfully studying, seeking inspiration from the Holy Ghost, and recording impressions about how to help sisters understand how Jesus Christ helps them change.

Share Experiences

The Relief Society president or Young Women class president (or one of their counselors) asks questions like the following to help sisters share experiences:

  • How have we changed as a result of studying Jesus Christ’s Atonement?

  • What have we learned about the Savior’s sacrifice in our personal or family study this month?

Learn Together

The teacher uses one of the activities below or a related idea from Come, Follow Me for individuals and families to help sisters understand how Jesus Christ helps us change. In Relief Society, the president or a counselor leads the discussion. In Young Women, the Young Women president, a counselor, an adviser, or occasionally a young woman leads.

What does it mean to be born again? The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost all play a role in the process of being born again. What do the sisters learn about these roles as they read John 3:1–13; Enos 1:1–19, 26–27; Mosiah 5:1–5; 27:23–37; Alma 23:6–7; Helaman 3:35? (see also Neill F. Marriott, “Yielding Our Hearts to God,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 30–32.)

How can daily repentance help us change? Invite sisters to look for answers to this question in Elder Neil L. Andersen’s talk “Repent … That I May Heal You” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2009, 40–43). They can also look for answers in the “Repentance” section on pages 28–29 of For the Strength of Youth (2011) and in True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference (2004), 132–35.

Why will we need patience as we make changes? To illustrate that valuable things require patience, bring something to the meeting that took a long time to accomplish or obtain (such as a diploma). What can this example teach us about growing spiritually? What else can we learn about this process from Luke 21:19; Doctrine and Covenants 67:13; or the hymn “With Humble Heart”? (Hymns, no. 171).

Plan to Act

The Relief Society president or Young Women class president (or one of their counselors) concludes the meeting by counseling with sisters about how they can act on what they are learning:

  • How can we draw on the power of Jesus Christ’s Atonement to make changes?

  • As a group, have we received any counsel or assignments from the ward council or bishopric youth committee? How can we act on this counsel?

How Do I Feel Prompted to Teach This Topic?
