Come, Follow Me
March Week 1: How Can I Gain a Witness of Jesus Christ’s Atonement?

“March Week 1: How Can I Gain a Witness of Jesus Christ’s Atonement?” Come, Follow Me: For Young Women and Relief Society (2015), 20–21

“March Week 1 | Young Women,” For Young Women and Relief Society, 20–21

March Week 1 | Young Women

How Can I Gain a Witness of Jesus Christ’s Atonement?

The Atonement of Jesus Christ

Seek inspiration from the Holy Ghost as you prayerfully study Jesus Christ’s Atonement this month in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families (pages 40–43). Consider questions like the following: How will the young women be blessed as they better understand the Atonement of Jesus Christ? How can you help them access His power?

In a class presidency meeting, help a member of the class presidency prepare to lead the “Share Experiences” and “Plan to Act” sections of this month’s Sunday meetings.

Share Experiences

The Young Women class president or one of her counselors asks questions like the following to help young women share experiences:

  • How did we act on impressions we received during last Sunday’s class?

  • As covenant daughters of God, we engage in the work of salvation. How are we fulfilling this work? For instance, who would like to share an experience with teaching the gospel—at home, school, or church?

Learn Together

The teacher uses one of the activities below or a related idea from Come, Follow Me for individuals and families to help young women understand how to increase their faith in Jesus Christ. The Young Women president, a counselor, an adviser, or occasionally a young woman leads.

Why do we need the Atonement of Jesus Christ? To help the young women answer this question, invite them to read together “Why Do I Need the Atonement of Jesus Christ?” in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families (pages 40–41). Ask them to explain what they learned by writing a letter to someone (real or imagined) who doesn’t believe that we need a Savior. What experiences could they share in which they felt close to Him?

What can we do to nourish our testimonies of Jesus Christ? Invite class members to discuss how gaining a testimony of Jesus Christ is like caring for a small plant. As the young women read Alma 32:27–37, invite them to draw and share pictures about what they learn about nourishing faith. What do these verses inspire us to do?

How can we know if we are becoming converted to Jesus Christ? To help the young women recognize the process of conversion, show the video “A Mighty Change: Conversion” ( How did the young woman know she was becoming converted to Christ? What signs of conversion do we see in ourselves? (see also Bonnie L. Oscarson, “Be Ye Converted,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2013, 76–78).

Plan to Act

The class president or one of her counselors concludes the meeting by counseling with the young women about how they can act on what they are learning:

  • As a class, what can we do to build our faith in Jesus Christ? (For ideas, see the faith value experiences and projects in Personal Progress.)

  • Among our family members and friends, who needs encouragement? How can we help them this week?

How Do I Feel Prompted to Teach This Topic?
