Come, Follow Me
March Week 1: How Can I Increase My Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement?

“March Week 1: How Can I Increase My Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement?” Come, Follow Me: For Young Women and Relief Society (2015), 18–19

“March Week 1 | Relief Society,” For Young Women and Relief Society, 18–19

Purpose of Relief Society

March Week 1 | Relief Society

How Can I Increase My Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement?

The purpose of Relief Society is to prepare women for the blessings of eternal life by helping them:

  • Increase faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement.

  • Strengthen individuals and families through ordinances and covenants.

  • Work in unity to help those in need.

Prepare to teach by prayerfully studying, seeking inspiration from the Holy Ghost, and recording impressions about how to help the sisters increase faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement.

Share Experiences

The Relief Society president or one of her counselors asks questions like the following to help sisters share experiences:

  • How have we seen God’s hand in our lives? What are we doing to seek His guidance?

  • What experiences have strengthened our testimonies of Jesus Christ? How are we building our faith in the Savior and His Atonement?

Learn Together

The Relief Society president or one of her counselors uses one or more of the following activities to help the sisters understand how to increase faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement.

How has prayer and scripture study increased our faith in Jesus Christ? Invite sisters to find answers to this question in “Prayer” in the Bible Dictionary and in Elder Neil L. Andersen’s article “The Book of Mormon: Strengthening Our Faith in Jesus Christ” (Ensign, Oct. 2011, 38–45). How can we make our prayers and scripture study more meaningful?

Why do we need the Atonement of Jesus Christ? Ask the sisters to share scriptures and experiences that have helped them understand and teach others about the need for the Savior’s Atonement. Or invite sisters to review pages 40–43 of Come, Follow Me for individuals and families and discuss how the Savior helped us overcome sin and death. What experiences can we share in which the Savior strengthened us in our weaknesses and challenges?

How can we help others increase their faith in Christ? Elder Richard G. Scott shared how his Grandmother Whittle and his wife, Jeanene Watkins, strengthened his faith in “I Have Given You an Example” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 32–35). Show clips of him telling these stories in his talk, or encourage the sisters to share experiences in which others have strengthened their faith. What do we learn that would help us strengthen others’ faith?

Plan to Act

The Relief Society president or one of her counselors concludes the meeting by counseling with the sisters about how they can act on what they are learning:

  • How can the Savior’s Atonement help us strengthen and support each other?

  • Invite the sisters to ponder the following questions and write down their impressions: What can I do to build my faith in Jesus Christ? Who else can I help?

How Do I Feel Prompted to Teach This Topic?
