Come, Follow Me
January Week 1: How Did the Savior Show Love for Others?

“January Week 1: How Did the Savior Show Love for Others?” Come, Follow Me: For Young Women and Relief Society (2015), 4–5

“January Week 1 | Young Women,” For Young Women and Relief Society, 4–5


January Week 1 | Young Women

How Did the Savior Show Love for Others?

Seek inspiration from the Holy Ghost as you prayerfully study charity this month in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families (pages 32–35). Consider questions like the following: What do the young women I teach need to understand about Christlike love? How can I help them feel His love and share it?

In a class presidency meeting, help a member of the class presidency prepare to lead the “Share Experiences” and “Plan to Act” sections of this month’s Sunday meetings.

Share Experiences

The Young Women class president or one of her counselors asks questions like the following to help young women share experiences:

  • When have we felt the Savior’s love through the kindness of someone who served us? What effect did it have?

  • When have we felt the Savior’s love as we served someone?

Learn Together

The teacher uses one of the activities below or a related idea from Come, Follow Me for individuals and families to help young women understand how the Savior showed love for others. The Young Women president, a counselor, an adviser, or occasionally a young woman leads.

What can we learn about charity from the Savior’s Atonement? Write this question on the board and invite the young women to share answers they find in John 3:16–17; 15:12–13; 1 Nephi 19:9; and Doctrine and Covenants 138:1–4. Sing several hymns about the Savior’s love (such as “How Great the Wisdom and the Love,” Hymns, no. 195). What do we learn about the depth of His love? How can we love more like He does?

What do we learn about love from the Savior’s parables? The Savior told parables about people who loved deeply (see Luke 10:25–37; 15:11–32; John 10:1–15; see also To help these parables come alive, invite the young women to perform a short dramatization of one or more of them. What do we learn from these parables about the dangers of judging others and only pretending to love them?

What can we share that helps us feel the Savior’s love? When we feel the Savior’s love, we want others to feel His love as well. Ask the young women to come prepared to share scripture stories, pictures, songs, or videos on that have helped them feel the Savior’s love. They could also find passages or scriptures in True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference (2004), 27–29 that convey the Savior’s love for us.

Plan to Act

The class president or one of her counselors concludes the meeting by counseling with the young women about how they can act on what they are learning:

  • As a class, how can we show Christlike love? Is there someone we could reach out to?

  • How is the Holy Ghost prompting us to show Christlike love—online, at home, at church, and at school?

How Do I Feel Prompted to Teach This Topic?
