undefined undefined January Week 3: How Can I Show Christlike Love in My Family?
Come, Follow Me
January Week 3: How Can I Show Christlike Love in My Family?

“January Week 3: How Can I Show Christlike Love in My Family?” Come, Follow Me: For Young Women and Relief Society (2015), 8–9

“January Week 3,” For Young Women and Relief Society, 8–9


January Week 3 | Young Women and Relief Society

How Can I Show Christlike Love in My Family?

Prepare to teach by prayerfully studying, seeking inspiration from the Holy Ghost, and recording impressions about how to help sisters show Christlike love in their families.

Share Experiences

The Relief Society president or Young Women class president (or one of their counselors) asks questions like the following to help sisters share experiences:

  • What examples of Christlike love have we seen this week?

  • As covenant daughters of God, we engage in the work of salvation. How are we fulfilling this work? For instance, how are we preparing friends or family members to receive the gospel?

Learn Together

The teacher uses one of the activities below or a related idea from Come, Follow Me for individuals and families to help sisters understand how to show greater love to family members. In Relief Society, the president or a counselor leads the discussion. In Young Women, the Young Women president, a counselor, an adviser, or occasionally a young woman leads.

Why is the family the most important place to learn and practice charity? Invite the sisters to pair up and look for answers to this question in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 129) or “Family” on pages 14–15 of For the Strength of Youth (2011) and share what they find. When have we seen and felt charity expressed in our families?

How can we better show our love to family members? To get ideas about how to show love in our families, sing or listen to music about families, such as “Love Is Spoken Here” (Children’s Songbook, 190–91). What ideas came to mind as we sang or listened? As a group, look for other ideas in the video “Through Small Things” (LDS.org) or in the divine nature value experience 3. What ideas inspire us to show more love in our families?


How is motherhood a manifestation of Christ’s love? Invite the sisters to review the examples of mothers in Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s talk “Behold Thy Mother” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 47–50) and share how these mothers mirrored the Savior’s love. What other examples of Christlike love can we share? How can we better show this kind of love in our families and other relationships?

Plan to Act

The Relief Society president or Young Women class president (or one of their counselors) concludes the meeting by counseling with sisters about how they can act on what they are learning:

  • As we discussed showing Christlike love, what did the Holy Ghost inspire us to do?

  • Provide time for the sisters to ponder the following question and, as moved upon by the Spirit, share their impressions with the group: In what ways can I show increased love for my family members?

How Do I Feel Prompted to Teach This Topic?