undefined undefined Using Come, Follow Me for Young Women and Relief Society
Come, Follow Me
Using Come, Follow Me for Young Women and Relief Society

“Using Come, Follow Me for Young Women and Relief Society,” Come, Follow Me: For Young Women and Relief Society (2015), iii

“Using Come, Follow Me for Young Women and Relief Society,” For Young Women and Relief Society, iii

Using Come, Follow Me for Young Women and Relief Society

Come, Follow Me is designed to help you create experiences in Young Women and Relief Society Sunday meetings that build upon, support, and encourage meaningful participation in the work of salvation— at church and in everyday life.

Young Women class presidencies take an active role by leading discussions at the beginning and end of each meeting as the young women share experiences and plan to act. In Relief Society, the Relief Society president or a counselor leads and teaches in the meeting (rather than a formally called teacher).

The materials in this book are organized in the following three categories.

Meeting Outlines for the First Sunday of Each Month

First-Sunday Young Women lessons introduce a doctrinal topic that corresponds with the monthly doctrinal focus in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families. First-Sunday Relief Society meetings are dedicated to discussing an aspect of the purpose of Relief Society, counseling together about how to do God’s work, and planning ways to carry out this work.

Each of the first-Sunday outlines includes the following sections. The time spent on each section will vary according to the needs of those you teach. For instance, if the discussion during “Share Experiences” is especially meaningful, the teacher may spend more time on this section.

  • Share Experiences. Contains sample questions to encourage the young women and Relief Society sisters to share their insights and experiences from learning and living the gospel each week.

  • Learn Together. Provides doctrinal resources and ideas for planning gospel discussions each week.

  • Plan to Act. Includes suggestions for how to invite the young women or Relief Society sisters to share their impressions and counsel together about what they will do to act on the things that they learned.

First-Sunday Young Women meetings follow the pattern described above for second and third Sundays.

Meeting Outlines for the Second and Third Sundays of Each Month

Outlines for the second and third Sundays of each month focus on a doctrinal topic that corresponds with the monthly doctrinal focus in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families. Young Women and Relief Society meetings share the same outline for these weeks, but meet separately. Each of these lesson outlines includes the same three sections described above.

Topics for Fourth-Sunday Meetings

Fourth Sunday meeting topics are prayerfully chosen by Young Women and Relief Society leaders based on needs and in consultation with the bishopric or branch presidency and ward or branch council. The same pattern used for the first three Sundays (“Share Experiences,” “Learn Together,” and “Plan to Act”) could be applied. These discussions may be held in separate meetings or as a group discussion in any of the following combinations: Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society, Relief Society and Young Women, or Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women.

Fifth-Sunday meetings are under the direction of the bishopric or branch presidency.