Online Teaching
Teacher Presence in the Online Course - Teaching Principles

“Teacher Presence in the Online Course - Teaching Principles,” Developing as an Online Teacher (2023)

“Teacher Presence in the Online Course - Teaching Principles,” Developing as an Online Teacher

The resurrected Savior, Jesus Christ, kneels down next to a young girl and gives her a hug.

Teacher Presence in the Online Course - Teaching Principles

Connect with Learners Using Online Tools

Some online learners may study the course material by themselves and have little to no interaction with anybody. They may feel that they are far removed from the online teacher. However, there are many ways to interact with your learners in an online experience that are not possible in a face-to-face experience. Using these interactions will increase your visibility to learners. Consider the following:

  • Announcements—Teachers can use announcements to provide life updates, share insights about the lesson, remind the class of upcoming class events, and teach and testify of Jesus Christ.

  • Assignment feedback—Canvas assignments provide insight into the minds and hearts of your learners. Reviewing these assignments and writing feedback provides you the opportunity to clarify misconceptions, reaffirm truth, validate feelings, and teach and testify of Jesus Christ.

  • Discussion board posts—This is one of the few places where learners interact with each other. Learners are encouraged to ask questions and reply to a discussion prompt. A teacher who is involved in the discussion board can be seen lovingly interjecting, clarifying, validating, and testifying as they respond to learner posts.

  • Canvas Inbox messages—A personalized message can go a long way toward building a relationship of trust with learners. Sometimes, sending a direct message to the learner is better than anything else you could do. It can show you care and are interested in the learner’s success.

  • Remote gathering—This is one of the few online learning interactions where the learners and teacher are in the same place, at the same time, interacting with each other in real time. Being the first person in the gathering, using people’s names, and actively guiding the discussion are just a few things you can do that will help learners see that you are interested, present, and involved.

Minister to the One

The tools listed above provide teachers with opportunities to minister to learners one by one. Listen to the Spirit to know how to have a strong teacher presence while looking for ways to bless individual learners. Respond to a tender thought, a vulnerable question, or a timid testimony with kindness, encouragement, and love. As often as is appropriate, take the opportunity to teach and testify of Jesus Christ in your individual interactions with learners.

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Discuss with Your Supervisor

Ponder the following questions and how they might apply to your teaching. Prepare to discuss them with your local S&I supervisor.

  • How can I increase my love for my class and minister to them like the Savior?

  • How can I improve my online presence in both Canvas and remote gatherings?

  • Take the opportunity to study “Love Those You Teach” from Teaching in the Savior’s Way. How might the practices listed there be adapted for an online setting?
