Online Teaching
Using Assignment Feedback Effectively - Application Ideas

“Using Assignment Feedback Effectively - Application Ideas,” Developing as an Online Teacher (2023)

“Using Assignment Feedback Effectively - Application Ideas,” Developing as an Online Teacher

Relief Society General Presidency and Board members having a meeting online.

Using Assignment Feedback Effectively - Application Ideas

Now that you understand some basic principles of assignment feedback, consider putting into practice what you have learned. The following questions might help the next time you grade assignments:

  • How can I make the tone of my feedback more Christlike?

  • How can I make my feedback more personal and specific?

  • Am I timely in my grading and feedback to learners?

Different Feedback Types

Your feedback on assignments can take many different forms. For example, feedback could be used to:

  • Support. Supportive feedback is great for recognizing the efforts of your learners and giving them sincere praise. This kind of feedback can help build confidence in your learners’ ability to find answers to questions and seek guidance from the Holy Ghost. Supportive feedback is positive, uplifting, and encouraging.

  • Teach. Feedback that focuses on teaching allows you to share extra insights or information with your learners that is not covered in Canvas or in the remote gatherings. It could also be used to build on insights that your learners share.

  • Follow up. In face-to-face classes, teachers often ask follow-up questions. These follow-up questions help deepen learning and understanding. As an online teacher, you can also ask follow-up questions of your learners. You can also invite them to respond using the feedback tool in Canvas.

  • Correct. There may be times you need to offer helpful counsel on assignments. For example, if a learner puts forth very little effort on an assignment, you can use feedback to help clarify your expectations. When using this kind of feedback, it is vital that you remain positive, kind, and loving. Do not use assignment feedback to express disappointment for a learner or their efforts.

Help Learners Find Feedback and Respond

  • Helping learners find feedback increases its effectiveness. Doing so also creates the opportunity for them to respond to you.

  • After grading assignments, invite learners to look for feedback. You may consider sending a message through WISE, a Canvas announcement, or the Canvas Inbox tool inviting them to look for the feedback you left on their assignments. Consider sending this Canvas Help Guide that explains how they can find assignment feedback.

Icon: Report

Discuss with Your Supervisor

Take some time to go through the questions listed below. Prepare to discuss them with your local S&I supervisor.

  • Share with your local supervisor some of the feedback that you have given to your class, and ask your supervisor for suggestions on how to improve it.

  • Ask your local supervisor to walk you through the process of giving feedback using Canvas. You may also ask them to demonstrate how they help learners find assignment feedback.
