Online Teaching
Communicating Appropriately with Online Learners - Opportunities and Challenges

“Communicating Appropriately with Online Learners - Opportunities and Challenges,” Developing as an Online Teacher (2023)

“Communicating Appropriately with Online Learners - Opportunities and Challenges,” Developing as an Online Teacher

Young woman texting young man in class

Communicating Appropriately with Online Learners - Opportunities and Challenges

The Apostle Paul urged, “Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity” (1 Timothy 4:12). In his letter to the Philippians, he also taught, “Let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:27). Communication is an important aspect of day-to-day living, including in an online learning environment. Because online teachers are not in the same room with learners at the same time, it can sometimes be hard for the teachers to know how to communicate with their learners.


  • A teacher can be a model of good communication. When learners see a thoughtful and positive communicator, it sets the communication expectations for them.

  • Writing online gives you the chance to be careful and thoughtful with your responses to learners. You can proofread what you write and edit appropriately.

  • As with your spoken voice, your online voice can be welcoming, positive, and encouraging.


  • Since online learners are often not in the same room at the same time, communicating with them can be difficult. Teachers often need to be deliberate and proactive to maintain communication with learners.

  • Despite teachers’ best efforts, sometimes their online writing tone can be misinterpreted.

Canvas has a variety of ways to communicate with learners, but every area of the world is different. You may also need to use other technologies or social media platforms for communication. Ask your local Seminaries and Institutes (S&I) supervisor to know what the approved communication tools are in your local area.

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Discuss with Your Supervisor

Ponder the following questions and how they might apply to your teaching. Prepare to discuss them with your local S&I supervisor.

  • Think of someone you think is a great communicator. How do they make you feel when speaking with them? What do they do to make you feel that way? How might you use those behaviors in your own online class?

  • What specific communication challenges have you observed in online classes? What were the causes of those challenges? What are some good practices that can help teachers and learners overcome those challenges?