Online Teaching
Using Announcements Effectively - Application Ideas

“Using Announcements Effectively - Application Ideas,” Developing as an Online Teacher (2023)

“Using Announcements Effectively - Application Ideas,” Developing as an Online Teacher

Two women looking at a computer

Using Announcements Effectively - Application Ideas

Now that you have had a chance to explore the principles of effective announcements, consider the following suggestions to improve announcements in your online class:

  • Write an announcement to your class in which you teach a short lesson to your learners about something from the week’s study material.

  • Set a goal for yourself to post an announcement to your learners each week. The Guidelines for Successful Online Teaching suggest posting one announcement at the beginning of each week.

  • Create a template for your announcements. This can keep them organized, simple, and clear for your learners. For example, you could include elements like an introduction, an overview for the week, a short teaching message, your testimony of Jesus Christ, and a conclusion.

  • Insert a video or image from the Church’s Media Library in an announcement to enhance your learners’ experience.

Incorporate Recorded Audio and Video

Change Announcement Notification Settings

  • Learners can change their Canvas settings so they receive an alert when a new announcement is created.

  • The default for all users when a new announcement is posted should be to “Notify immediately.” However, consider sharing with your learners the Canvas Help Guide entitled “Canvas Notifications.” This resource outlines how to adjust a user’s Canvas notification preferences. Direct them to the announcements notification setting. Ask them to ensure that “Notify immediately” is set for announcements.

Icon: Report

Discuss with Your Supervisor

Take some time to go through the items listed below. Prepare to discuss them with your local S&I supervisor.

  • Demonstrate your ability to create an announcement that includes an image or video. If you are still struggling, ask your supervisor for help.

  • Discuss with your supervisor a format you could use to make your announcements clearer and more concise.
