undefined undefined The Vision, Part 1, Lesson 28: Section 76:1–49, 71–91, 97–112
Seminaries and Institutes
The Vision, Part 1, Lesson 28: Section 76:1–49, 71–91, 97–112

“The Vision, Part 1, Lesson 28: Section 76:1–49, 71–91, 97–112,” Doctrine and Covenants Instructor’s Guide: Religion 324–325 (1981), 55–56

“Lesson 28,” Doctrine and Covenants Instructor’s Guide, 55–56

The Vision, Part 1

Lesson 28

Section 76:1–49, 71–91, 97–112


The Lord has prepared kingdoms for those who are not worthy to dwell in his presence.

Theme Analysis

  1. In the eternal realm, there are several different kingdoms in which individuals will obtain their inheritance, according to the laws they lived on earth.

  2. Only those who are valiant in the testimony of Jesus will inherit celestial glory in the presence of God the Father.

  3. All who do not live the celestial law will, in the hereafter, dwell in kingdoms suited to their nature.

    1. Those who are able to live terrestrial law will inherit the terrestrial kingdom of glory.

    2. Those who live according to telestial law will obtain an inheritance in the telestial kingdom of glory.

    3. Those who sin against the Holy Ghost will inherit a kingdom of darkness wherein there is no glory.

  4. Since we know the laws and conditions upon which inheritances in the hereafter are received, we should strive to be worthy to dwell in the celestial kingdom of glory.

Study Sources

Student Manual

Section 76:1–49, 71–91, 97–112; Enrichment G, “The Nature and Purpose of Law”

Use material from Historical Background and Notes and Commentary to teach this revelation in its historical context.

Standard Works

Basic Library

  • Teachings, p. 11. The greatness of the vision of the eternal worlds.

  • Teachings, p. 366. John 14:2 should read, “In my Father’s kingdom are many kingdoms.”

  • Teachings, pp. 218–19. God will judge righteously according to the laws each person has.

  • Teachings, pp. 324–25. “The disappointment of hopes and expectations at the resurrection would be indescribably dreadful.”

  • Discourses, pp. 382–83. There will be a variety of glories and kingdoms in eternity.

  • A of F, pp. 385–92. There are two general resurrections set forth in scripture.

  • DS, 2:21–23, 27–31. Discussion of reasonableness of degrees of glory and kingdoms.

  • A of F, pp. 405–11. There will be graded inheritances in the hereafter.

  • Teachings, p. 12. Baptism is required for entrance into the celestial kingdom, but not for other kingdoms of glory.

  • DS, 2:287–88. Procreative powers will be denied those outside the highest degree of the celestial kingdom.

Additional Sources

  • Melvin J. Ballard, Three Degrees of Glory. A pamphlet discussing the hereafter and the conditions upon which eternal inheritances are based.

  • Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, 4:10–15. Explains Doctrine and Covenants 76:72.

  • N. B. Lundwall, comp., The Vision. This book contains several helpful items which you may want to study in preparing this subject.

Some Suggestions for Presentation

(Ideas Other Teachers Have Used)

The Future Is Based upon Law (Discussion)

Read Elder Bruce R. McConkie’s story found in Notes and Commentary on Doctrine and Covenants 76:72–74 of the student manual. Stop after the example of the man is finished, without reading Elder McConkie’s conclusions. Ask students to tell what they think is wrong with the man’s reasoning.

Have the students read, mark, and explain Doctrine and Covenants 88:21–35 and Alma 34:32–35. Each student should understand that his future condition in eternity is based upon the law he has chosen to obey in life. Conclude by finishing Elder McConkie’s quote.

Laws Governing Eternal Inheritances (Discussion, Scripture Analysis)

The degrees of glory are interesting to students. This lesson can be used to clarify misconceptions about the hereafter as well as to increase the students’ understanding of the scriptures. Since students generally have a fairly good knowledge of the factors which lead people to the various kingdoms, a series of questions could be used as a preassessment of their understanding and also as a means of stimulating discussion. Ask questions and require the students to support their answers from the scriptures, particularly from Doctrine and Covenants 76. When students are able to support their answers, move on, but where they have trouble, stop and look more closely at the verses involved and offer explanations or cross-references to help the class come to an understanding of the concept involved. Be sure your questions focus .on concepts that will help students understand clearly the message of the portion of section 76 being studied. The following are some questions that could be used:

  1. How did the Lord compare the glory of the terrestrial kingdom with that of the celestial? (see vs. 71).

  2. What will be the result for those who reject the testimony of Jesus in this life but receive it in the hereafter? (see vs. 74).

  3. Who in the hereafter will dwell in the presence of Christ? (see vss. 62, 77).

  4. What are the qualifications of those who receive a terrestrial inheritance? (see vss. 72–79).

  5. Who will be thrust down to hell before they are resurrected? (see vss. 31–36, 84, 103–6).

  6. What will happen to those who never accept the gospel? (see. vss. 82, 98–101).

  7. How glorious is the least of the kingdoms of glory? (see vs. 89)

  8. Who will become sons of perdition? (see vss. 31–35).

  9. What did the Lord mean when he said the sons of perdition would suffer the second death? (see vs. 37; see also D&C 29:41).

Comparison of Kingdoms (Transparencies, Scripture Analysis)

Transparencies 12A, 12B, and 12C, “Three Degrees of Glory,” contain a comparison of the degrees, including the determining conditions, the rewards and blessings, and the status of those who go to each. This could be used to summarize the information revealed in Doctrine and Covenants 76. (A similar thing could be done in chart form on the chalkboard. Allow the students to work through the exercise as you write it.)

Using the transparencies or chalkboard chart, point out how little the Lord has said of the rewards in the lower kingdoms as compared to the celestial kingdom. Discuss why.

Note: The next lesson, “The Vision, Part 2,” will also refer to these transparencies. You could complete the chart during that lesson.

Order of the Resurrection (Discussion, Scripture Analysis)

The whole approach to the three degrees of glory may be based on the Resurrection. Using Doctrine and Covenants 88:28–32 and 1 Corinthians 15:40–42, discuss the first and second resurrection and their relationship with one’s eternal inheritance.

Laws of Restoration (Scripture Analysis)

Use the concepts found in Alma 41 with those in Doctrine and Covenants 76 to show the naturalness and fairness of the laws governing eternal inheritances. Use also Mormon 9:1–5 to indicate that to place an individual in a kingdom which is not in harmony with his nature would bring him misery rather than happiness.