Seminaries and Institutes
The Vision, Part 2, Lesson 29: Section 76:50–70, 92–96, 113–19

“The Vision, Part 2, Lesson 29: Section 76:50–70, 92–96, 113–19,” Doctrine and Covenants Instructor’s Guide: Religion 324–325 (1981), 57–58

“Lesson 29,” Doctrine and Covenants Instructor’s Guide, 57–58

The Vision, Part 2

Lesson 29

Section 76:50–70, 92–96, 113–19


Those who are valiant in following the Savior will obtain exaltation in the celestial kingdom.

Theme Analysis

  1. The Lord’s purposes never fail.

  2. The Lord delights to honor those who serve him.

    1. By the Spirit they are enlightened and given knowledge of the mysteries and wonders of eternity.

    2. They shall obtain eternal glory.

  3. Those who are to be exalted in the celestial kingdom will come forth in the resurrection of the just.

    1. They are they who received Jesus.

    2. They received baptism according to his commandment.

    3. By keeping the commandments they are cleansed from their sins and receive the Holy Ghost.

    4. They overcome the world by faith.

    5. They are sealed to eternal life by the Holy Spirit of Promise.

  4. Exalted beings, who are the church of the Firstborn, shall receive all things from the Father.

    1. They shall have celestial bodies.

    2. They shall overcome all things and be perfected.

    3. They shall dwell with God the Father and Christ forever.

    4. They shall be gods.

Study Sources

Student Manual

Section 76:50–70, 92–96, 113–19

Use material from Historical Background and Notes and Commentary to teach this revelation in its historical context.

Standard Works

Basic Library

  • Teachings, p. 374. “Every man who reigns in celestial glory is a God to his dominions.”

  • DS, 2:23–26. The celestial kingdom is the kingdom of God. Describes the nature of exaltation in the celestial kingdom. Salvation comes to those who overcome all.

  • DS, 2:32. Some in celestial glory have limitations.

  • DS, 2:35–57. The whole chapter is about exaltation. Those who are exalted will become like God. Faithful will become sons and daughters of God. The church of the Firstborn, path to exaltation, and salvation of children are discussed.

  • Teachings, pp. 345–48. God is an exalted man. We have got to learn to be Gods ourselves by going from one small degree to another.

  • Teachings, p. 331. Anyone who is exalted to the highest mansion of God must be able to abide the whole celestial law.

  • Discourses, pp. 391–92. Individuals will be exalted to different degrees of exaltation according to their capacities.

  • Discourses, p. 392. Those who “desire to obtain seats in the celestial kingdom, will find that they must battle every day.”

  • DS, 2:76–77. Exaltation will not be withheld from faithful unmarried women.

  • DS, 3:131–32. The fulness of the priesthood is required for exaltation.

  • M of F, pp. 6, 8–9. None can obtain eternal life except by the path Christ has given. Only the valiant who receive the proper ordinances and are faithful, will obtain eternal life.

  • M of F, pp. 242–46. Celestial marriage is the way to exaltation. Regardless of other virtues, those who are not married cannot be exalted.

  • M of F, p. 261. Exaltation comes only to those who are clean, worthy, and perfect. This state comes only through repentance.

  • Spencer W. Kimball, in CR, Oct. 1978, pp. 3–8. Living the letter of the law is only the beginning of achieving perfection.

  • Bruce R. McConkie, in CR, Oct. 1974, pp. 43–47. We must be valiant to obtain celestial glory. What it means to be valiant is discussed.

Additional Sources

  • Melvin J. Ballard, Three Degrees of Glory. An excellent pamphlet discussing Doctrine and Covenants 76.

Some Suggestions for Presentation

(Ideas Other Teachers Have Used)

Nature of Those Who Are Celestial (Discussion, Scripture Analysis)

Invite students to read by themselves Doctrine and Covenants 76:50–70. When they finish, first permit them to tell what they know or understand and then ask the following questions.

  1. What does it mean for one to “receive the testimony of Jesus”? (vs. 51). (Point out that to “receive” in this context means not only to obtain a testimony of Jesus but to obey the first principles and ordinances of the gospel.)

  2. What does it mean to “overcome by faith” and be “sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise”? (vs. 53). (You may wish to pause and discuss how faith in Christ aids one in overcoming temptations and evils that would keep us out of God’s presence. Point out that the Holy Spirit of Promise, the Holy Ghost, must ratify and seal every ordinance and work of man that is efficacious beyond death. He does so by reading our hearts and attesting to our honesty and worthiness.)

  3. What does it mean to become “priests and kings” and to receive the Father’s fulness? (vs. 56). (Point out that verse 58 says that such persons “are gods, even the sons of God.” All persons are the spirit sons and daughters of God, but only those who overcome all things and obey every ordinance required for exaltation become what the Father is, that is, receive of his fulness. Direct student attention to Doctrine and Covenants 131:1–4 and point out that celestial marriage is the key to exaltation. Those who observe this ordinance as well as all others required by the gospel shall “be gods” because they enjoy the blessings of eternal increase or “a continuation of the seeds forever and ever.” [D&C 132:19–20].)

  4. What is meant by “just men made perfect through Jesus the mediator”? (D&C 76:69). (Point out that even though one enters the Church and obtains forgiveness of past wrongs, he must continue in worthiness before the Lord.) Since we all sin, we need a Savior to aid us in our attempts to “retain a remission” of sins (Mosiah 4:12). Continued faith in Christ and repentance from sin answers the requirement.

In the end we will be just men, that is, we will be men who lived righteous but not perfect lives who are made perfect through the atonement of Christ (see Moroni 10:32–33).

What Does It Mean to Be Valiant? (Discussion, Analysis of Conference Reports)

Prepare for each student a copy of the two talks from the conference reports listed under Basic Library. Using the portions of President Kimball’s and Elder McConkie’s talks which deal with what it means to be valiant in the gospel, list several of the specific items mentioned. Discuss the difference between being lukewarm and being valiant in the gospel. Using other quotes from references in the Basic Library, discuss the importance of becoming able to live the full celestial law in attaining exaltation.

The Blessings of Exaltation (Individual Study, Discussion)

If you have Elder Melvin J. Ballard’s discourse, The Three Degrees of Glory, you may wish to copy the portion which deals with the celestial kingdom and assign your students to read it (pp. 5–18, 30–37, 1975 printing). Assign this reading a few days before class. Ask students to mark for discussion the items they consider significant. Using both the scriptures and items from Elder Ballard’s talk, discuss the great blessings and glory of those who are exalted and the importance of doing all in our power to attain those blessings.

Comparison of Kingdoms (Chalkboard Illustration, Transparency)

If you used this method in the previous lesson, continue by completing Transparencies 12A, 12B, and 12C, “Three Degrees of Glory” (see lesson 28).
