“Lesson 11—Joseph Smith—History 1:50–65—Joseph Smith Obtained the Gold Plates,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)
“Joseph Smith—History 1:50–65,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary
Lesson 11: Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65
Joseph Smith—History 1:50–65
Joseph Smith Obtained the Gold Plates
The Lord gave Joseph Smith an important work to do. He was commanded to obtain the gold plates from the Hill Cumorah, translate the record, and bring forth the Book of Mormon. The Lord provided means to help Joseph accomplish this great work. Just as the Lord helped Joseph accomplish the work he was given, the Lord can help us too. This lesson can help students understand that the Lord will help us accomplish the work He has commanded us to do.
Possible Learning Activities
Angels to help us do God’s work
Consider placing students in small groups to list as many instances as they can of times when angels appeared to people. Next, they could summarize why each angel appeared.
What do you know about why God sends angels?
Read the following statement from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, looking for a reason why God sends angels.
From the beginning down through the dispensations, God has used angels as His emissaries in conveying love and concern for His children. … I have spoken here of heavenly help, of angels dispatched to bless us in time of need. But when we speak of those who are instruments in the hand of God, we are reminded that not all angels are from the other side of the veil. Some of them we walk with and talk with—here, now, every day. (Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Ministry of Angels,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2008, 29–30)
As students study this lesson, you may want to help them see that both angels from the other side of the veil and mortal individuals assisted Joseph Smith in accomplishing God’s work. You may also want to testify that angels can help your students accomplish God’s work for them.
The Lord provided means for Joseph Smith to accomplish His work
To help students see ways the Lord provided help to Joseph Smith, consider using the following chart. You could display it on the board and invite students to copy it in their study journals. Model how to fill it out by completing the first row as a class. As students complete the chart, help them identify the truth that the Lord provides means to help us accomplish His work.
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Who did the Lord send to help Joseph? |
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Review Joseph Smith—History 1:33 and identify the angel the Lord first sent to help Joseph.
When students mention Moroni, ask them what they know about how he helped Joseph Smith accomplish the work the Lord had given him. If students do not mention Moroni’s four visits during the night of September 21, 1823, and what he taught, consider reviewing this event with them (see previous lesson). Adding the following content to what students share may also be helpful.
For the next three years on September 22, Joseph Smith met Moroni at the same location and received additional instruction about the importance of the record and the work God had for him to do (see Joseph Smith—History 1:33–34). Moroni also taught Joseph more about “what the Lord was going to do, and how” it was going to happen (Joseph Smith—History 1:54). During this time frame, Joseph met and married Emma Hale (see Joseph Smith—History 1:57–58).
On September 22, 1827, Joseph received the gold plates from the angel Moroni.
Invite students to share what they would add to the first row of the chart. Students could fill out the other rows in the chart individually or in groups. After completing the chart, invite students to share why it was necessary for Joseph to receive this help.
Moroni’s warning to Joseph
Read Joseph Smith—History 1:59–60 and look for the warning and promise Moroni gave Joseph Smith the night he received the plates.
Why did Moroni warn Joseph to not be careless in protecting the plates?
Consider inviting students to share examples they may be familiar with of how people tried to take the plates from Joseph. You could also ask students to read and discuss accounts from Saints, 1:37–43, or read the text below.
After receiving the plates from the angel Moroni, Joseph hid them in a hollow log to keep them safe until he could get a box to lock them in. The next day, while Joseph Smith was at work, his father overheard a group of men plotting to steal the plates. Emma went to warn Joseph, and he, through the Urim and Thummim, was able to see that the plates were safe. He also knew it was time to get the plates from the log to keep them safe.
“Hurrying to the hill, Joseph found the log where the plates were hidden and carefully wrapped them in a shirt. He then ducked into the woods and headed for home, his eyes alert to danger. …
“Straining under the weight of the record, Joseph tramped through the woods as fast as he could. A fallen tree blocked the path ahead of him, and as he bounded over it, he felt something hard strike him from behind. Turning around, he saw a man coming at him, wielding a gun like a club.
“Clutching the plates tightly with one arm, Joseph knocked the man to the ground and scrambled deeper into the thicket. He ran for about half a mile when another man sprang from behind a tree and struck him with the butt of his gun. Joseph fought the man off and darted away, desperate to be out of the woods. But before he could get very far a third man attacked, landing a heavy blow that sent him reeling. Gathering his strength, Joseph hit the man hard and ran for home. …
“After Joseph brought the gold plates home, treasure seekers tried for weeks to steal them. To keep the record safe, he had to move it from place to place, hiding the plates under the hearth, beneath the floor of his father’s shop, and in piles of grain. He could never let his guard down.
“… He was determined to care for the plates, trusting in the Lord’s promise that if he did everything he could, they would be protected” (Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days, vol. 1, The Standard of Truth, 1815–1846 [2018], 40-41, 43).
In what ways did Joseph’s efforts and “the wisdom of God” combine to preserve the plates?
What insights about God do you get from this account?
The Lord provides us with help to accomplish the work He gives us
What are some examples in the scriptures of times when the Lord helped people accomplish the work He commanded them to do?
If needed, invite students to study one or more of the following examples:
Moses (Exodus 3:15–18; 4:10–17)
Nephi (1 Nephi 17:8–13; 18:1–4)
The Ancient Apostles (Matthew 28:19–20; Acts 2:1–6, 41)
In what ways might the Lord help you accomplish the work He has asked or will ask you to do?
Who are some of the “angels”( mortal individuals) in your life that you feel God has sent to help you with the Lord’s work?
Consider bearing witness of Joseph Smith’s work to bring forth the Book of Mormon. You could also share an experience of how the Lord has helped you accomplish the work He has for you. You may also invite willing students to bear witness or share an experience.