“Lesson 100—Doctrine and Covenants 88:1–13, 41–50: The Light of Christ,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)
“Doctrine and Covenants 88:1–13, 41–50,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual
Lesson 100: Doctrine and Covenants 88
Doctrine and Covenants 88:1–13, 41–50
The Light of Christ
While in Kirtland, Ohio, Joseph Smith and several high priests prayed to Heavenly Father for a revelation regarding the building of Zion. The revelation taught truths about the power and magnitude of the Light of Jesus Christ. This lesson is intended to help students feel a greater appreciation for the influence of the Light of Christ in their lives.
Possible Learning Activities
Things we feel
Consider asking students the following question and listing their answers. You could also have them discuss the question in small groups and then write their answers on the board.
What are examples of things you can feel but not see?
Students may list things like heat, wind, love, gratitude, faith, and so on.
Why might it be important to know that there are things you can feel but not see?
You could invite students to seek inspiration to recognize God’s influence in their lives.
Functions of the Light of Christ
Joseph Smith and nine elders of the Church met together in the upstairs of the Newel K. Whitney Store in Kirtland, Ohio. They desired further understanding about their duties to build Zion. Joseph invited each person to take a turn praying to know the Lord’s will. After praying, the Prophet received what is now Doctrine and Covenants 88.
As students start the following reading, make sure they understand that verse 6 is referring to Jesus Christ.
Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:6–13, looking for what these verses can teach you about Jesus Christ and His light.
What do you learn about the Light of Christ from these verses?
Among different insights students might share, help them identify the truth that the Light of Christ gives light and life to all His creations.
Help students see how it could impact their daily lives to understand God’s influence through the Light of Christ. The following question is one way to do this.
What are some situations youth face in which they would benefit from recognizing God’s influence? Why?
The following activity is intended to help students gain a better appreciation for the Light of Christ and how it can influence their lives.
You might create four stations around the room that each student can visit and complete. Students could be invited to take their journal, something to write with, and their scriptures to each station. Alternatively, you could divide students into groups of four and assign each student a section of the handout to complete. Students could then share what they learned with group members.
The Light of Christ
Define the Light of Christ
Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:12–13, looking for descriptions of the Light of Christ.
Read the following definition of the Light of Christ:
“[The Light of Christ is] divine energy, power, or influence that proceeds from God through Christ and gives life and light to all things. It is the law by which all things are governed in heaven and on earth (D&C 88:6–13). It also helps people understand gospel truths and helps to put them on the gospel path that leads to salvation.” (Guide to the Scriptures, “Light, Light of Christ,” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org)
How would you summarize what you understand the Light of Christ to be?
How do you think you are personally influenced by the Light of Christ?
The Light of Christ as our conscience
One manifestation of the Light of Christ is our conscience. Write a definition that a Primary child would understand of what you understand conscience to be.
Read the following definition and see what you might add to your definition:
“[Conscience is] the inner sense of right and wrong, coming from the Light of Christ in all men (Moro. 7:16). We are born with a natural capacity to distinguish between right and wrong because of the Light of Christ that is given to every person (D&C 84:46). This faculty is called conscience. The possession of it makes us responsible beings. Like other faculties, our consciences may be deadened through sin or misuse.” (Guide to the Scriptures, “Conscience,” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org)
Read Doctrine and Covenants 84:45–46 and Moroni 7:16, looking for words or phrases that describe how the Light of Christ acts as our conscience. Consider creating a cross-reference for the two verses.
What is a phrase from these verses that helps you understand what a conscience is?
Why do you think Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ gave you a conscience?
How could listening to or ignoring your conscience influence the choices you make and your eternal destination?
The Light of Christ is in everyone
Imagine you are asked to share a brief thought in Sunday School about how to view and treat all people better, particularly those who are different than you. You can use the following resources and any others you find helpful.
President Boyd K. Packer (1924–2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught:
The more we know about the Light of Christ, the more we will understand about life and the more we will have a deep love for all mankind. We will be better teachers and missionaries and parents, and better men and women and children. We will have deeper regard for our brothers and sisters in the Church and for those who do not believe. …
The Light of Christ is as universal as sunlight itself. Wherever there is human life, there is the Spirit of Christ. Every living soul is possessed of it. …
If we understand the reality of the Light of Christ in everyone we see … and within ourselves, … we will have courage and inspiration beyond that which we have known heretofore. And it must be so! And it will be so! All of this is a dimension of gospel truth that too few understand. (Boyd K. Packer, “The Light of Christ,” Ensign, Apr. 2005, 8, 13–14)
Write a two to three sentence thought about how understanding the Light of Christ can influence how you see others.
The Light of Christ in the universe
Have you ever been touched by the beauty or majesty of this earth and the universe? What feelings do these things bring out in you?
Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:7–10, 45–47 and look for what you learn about the Light of Christ, the earth, and the universe.
What can we learn about the Lord from His creations?
How might seeing God’s influence in the universe help us recognize His influence in our lives?
After students have had time to work through the stations, consider giving them an opportunity to share what they learned and felt. The following questions might help.
What did you learn about the Light of Christ that was impactful?
How have you seen the influence of the Light of Christ in your life?
How do you think recognizing the Light of Christ in your life can influence your relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
You might share how you have been influenced by better understanding the Light of Christ.