Doctrinal Mastery: Overview

“Doctrinal Mastery: Overview,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Doctrinal Mastery,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Doctrinal Mastery: Finding Answers to My Questions

Doctrinal Mastery: Finding Answers to My Questions


Participating in doctrinal mastery helps students build their spiritual foundations on Jesus Christ. Part of doctrinal mastery includes learning and applying the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge: act in faith; examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective; and seek further knowledge through divinely appointed sources. These principles can help students address questions or concerns in their lives.

Pacing suggestion: It may be best to teach these lessons toward the beginning of the school year. In some areas of the world, the beginning of the school year occurs later in the calendar year, such as in the fall. If this is the case in your area, consider teaching the lesson titled “Strengthening Your Spiritual Foundation” at the beginning of the calendar year. This could help students review important concepts associated with doctrinal mastery midway through their academic school year.

Prepare to teach

The following information provides you with ideas of what you may need to prepare in advance for each lesson.

Strengthening Your Spiritual Foundation

Lesson purpose: To help students understand how doctrinal mastery can bless their lives and help build their spiritual foundations on Jesus Christ.

Seeking Personal Revelation for My Questions

Lesson purpose: To help students understand how they can receive guidance and revelation from God through the Holy Ghost.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to think about their knowledge of spiritual revelation and what more they might like to know. You could also invite them to ask a family member or youth leader to share a scripture or experience about receiving personal revelation from God.

  • Video:Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives” (20:27; watch from time code 17:44 to 18:53)

Acting in Faith to Find Answers

Lesson purpose: To help students understand how to act with faith in Jesus Christ as they seek answers to their questions.

Examining Gospel Topics and Questions with an Eternal Perspective

Lesson purpose: To help students examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective to view them like Jesus Christ does.

Turning to Divinely Appointed Sources to Help Find Answers

Lesson purpose: To help students understand the importance of seeking truth from sources provided by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to think about sources they have turned to for answers to spiritual questions. Encourage them to come to class ready to share at least one example of a source and how it helped them.

  • Handout:Determining Truth from Error
