Lesson 166—Acting in Faith to Find Answers

“Lesson 166—Acting in Faith to Find Answers,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Acting in Faith to Find Answers,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 166: Doctrinal Mastery: Finding Answers to My Questions

Acting in Faith to Find Answers

Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge, Part 2

woman touching the hem of Christ’s robe

Jesus Christ invites us to look to Him and act in faith throughout our lives. It is critical that we focus on the Savior, especially when we cannot easily resolve questions or situations. This lesson can help students understand how to act with faith in Jesus Christ as they seek answers to their questions.

Possible Learning Activities

The importance of asking questions

Before class, you may want to write the following question from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf on the board. As students enter, invite them to ponder how they might answer his question and why they would answer that way. After students have had time to ponder, invite them to share their responses.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, then of the First Presidency, posed the following question:

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Is it all right to have questions about the Church or its doctrine? (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “The Reflection in the Water” [Church Educational System devotional, Nov. 1, 2009],

  • How would you answer this question? Why would you answer that way?

As you read the remainder of President Uchtdorf’s statement, look for how your answers compare to his.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

My dear young friends, we are a question-asking people because we know that inquiry leads to truth. That is the way [that] the Church got its start—from a young man who had questions. In fact, I’m not sure how one can discover truth without asking questions. …

… Inquiry is the birthplace of testimony. … Asking questions isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a precursor of growth. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “The Reflection in the Water” [Church Educational System devotional, Nov. 1, 2009],

  • What examples have you seen in the scriptures, Church history, or your own life that illustrate that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want us to ask questions?

Sometimes we may discover new information about the doctrine, practices, or history of the Church that seems difficult to understand. We also may have questions that are difficult to answer. Having questions is not the same as doubting. Faithfully asking questions can increase our understanding and testimony of Jesus Christ. Fostering doubt can negatively affect our faith in Him (see Topics and Questions, “Answering Gospel Questions,”

Ask students to think about questions they may have about the Church or its doctrine they cannot easily answer. You could invite students to write these questions in their study journals. Invite them to look for truths in this lesson that can help them when difficult questions arise.

Responding to difficult questions

To illustrate the importance of asking questions and to model how to act in faith, present a scenario to the class. Use the description below or show the video “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge: Madison’s Story,” available at, from time code 0:00 to 1:44.

In seminary, Madison learned that Joseph Smith practiced plural marriage. After she heard this, some questions came to her mind.


Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge: Madison's Story

To help students discuss the following questions, you could divide the class into partnerships or small groups. After discussing the questions, students could report their answers to the class.

  • What are some negative and positive approaches Madison could take to dealing with her questions?

  • Why do you feel these approaches would be negative or positive?

When we encounter difficult questions, it can be helpful to use the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge.

Some students may have previous experience studying the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge in seminary. If so, ask class members if they can recite the three principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge. If needed, invite them to read paragraph 4 of the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2023). Consider writing these principles on the board:

  • Act in faith.

  • Examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective.

  • Seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources.

Act in faith

Today’s learning experience will focus on the principle of acting in faith.

Read Doctrine and Covenants 6:36. Identify how this invitation from the Savior can help us act in faith.

  • What words or phrases in this verse could help Madison or others who have questions about the gospel or the Church?

  • Why would those words or phrases be helpful?

As students share their responses, help them identify the following truth: When we have unanswered questions, we can look unto Jesus Christ and doubt not.

Explain to the students that many examples of how we can look to Jesus Christ are found in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document.

Read paragraphs 5–7 in the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document, looking for ways you could act in faith when you have spiritual questions.

  • Which of the statements from these paragraphs do you feel could be most helpful to someone with a challenging question? Why?

Consider inviting students to find scriptures that support their responses. For example, if students mention prayer, they could refer to 2 Nephi 32:8–9 or James 1:5–6. If they mention scripture study, they could refer to 2 Nephi 32:3 or 2 Timothy 3:15–17.

Find natural opportunities to remind students of the importance of doing these actions with a focus on Jesus Christ. You might invite students to consider how the actions they identify could be examples of looking unto Jesus Christ.

Examples of acting in faith

Share the conclusion to the scenario about Madison. Invite students to identify how Madison chose to act in faith as she dealt with her questions. You could show the video “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge: Madison’s Story” from time code 1:44 to 8:35; if the video is not available, read the following paragraph.


Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge: Madison's Story

After class, Madison approached her teacher and asked why Joseph Smith practiced plural marriage. Her teacher encouraged her to continue living the gospel and offering sincere prayer as she searched for answers. As Madison prayed and searched her scriptures, she received a prompting that she would receive an answer in time. Madison continued to act in faith and rely on the testimony she had of Heavenly Father and His plan, and she gradually began to find answers that helped her feel at peace. Throughout the process, Madison felt her relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ grow. She came to know that as we act in faith, God will provide the answers or peace we are seeking.

As part of the discussion of the following question, ask students to point out which of Madison’s actions relate to what they studied in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document.

  • How did Madison’s actions demonstrate her faith in Jesus Christ?

  • What can we learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ from Madison’s experience?

Consider inviting students to think about and share times they have been blessed for acting in faith when facing difficult questions. Then invite the students to think about what they learned and felt today that could help with their personal circumstances and questions. Consider giving them time to record their thoughts and impressions in their study journals.

Conclude with your testimony of the importance of acting in faith with a focus on Jesus Christ as we seek answers to our questions.