“Lesson 178—Patriarchal Blessings: ‘Personal Scripture to You,’” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)
“Patriarchal Blessings,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual
Lesson 178: For the Strength of Youth: Making Choices
Patriarchal Blessings
“Personal Scripture to You”
Our loving Father in Heaven has many ways of providing guidance and direction to His children. One way He does this is through patriarchal blessings. This lesson can help students feel of the Lord’s desire to guide them through their patriarchal blessing.
Possible Learning Activities
Direction in our lives
Consider displaying the following picture or drawing a picture like it on the board.
What are some aspects of your life in which you might feel like the person in this picture? Why?
What can help us know what to do when we are unsure of the direction we should take in life?
Explain that the scriptures teach important truths about God that can help us when we need direction.
Read Doctrine and Covenants 6:14; 42:61; and 112:10, looking for truths that can help us when we face uncertain situations.
Invite the students to share the truths they found. Using their own words, they could share truths similar to:
As often as we inquire of God, He will instruct us through His Spirit (Doctrine and Covenants 6:14).
If we ask, God will bless us with revelation upon revelation (Doctrine and Covenants 42:61).
God will lead us by the hand and give us answers to our prayers (Doctrine and Covenants 112:10).
You could also ask students to share other scriptures they know of that demonstrate God’s eagerness to provide us with guidance and direction.
How can remembering these truths impact your feelings or attitudes toward God?
What are some ways God provides us with direction for our lives?
Patriarchal blessings
If needed, mention that patriarchal blessings are one way we can receive direction from God. To help students assess their current knowledge about patriarchal blessings, consider displaying the following content and giving students time to respond to the statements silently or in their study journals.
Using a scale from one (not true) to five (very true), ponder how true each of the following statements is for you:
I understand what a patriarchal blessing is.
I know how a patriarchal blessing can impact my life.
I believe God can give me direction for my life through my patriarchal blessing.
Give students time to write down questions they have about patriarchal blessings on the board. They might have questions like the following:
What is a patriarchal blessing?
How can a patriarchal blessing impact my relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
How can I prepare for my patriarchal blessing?
When should I receive my patriarchal blessing?
Choose at least one question about patriarchal blessings that you would like to answer. Write your questions at the top of a journal page or in a notes page on your mobile device. Seek Heavenly Father’s guidance through the Holy Ghost to help you find answers to your questions.
Answering questions about patriarchal blessings
Give students time to find answers to their questions about patriarchal blessings. Consider the needs and abilities of your students in determining how they will look for answers. It may be helpful for some to look for answers in small groups.
Choose from the following options to find answers to your questions about patriarchal blessings:
1. Search available resources in the Gospel Library app. For example, you could study “Patriarchal Blessings” in Gospel Topics or search for “patriarchal blessings” in general conference talks.
2. Study one of the following talks from the April 2023 general conference: “When to Receive Your Patriarchal Blessing” by Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita (Liahona, May 2023, 88–90) or “Your Patriarchal Blessing—Inspired Direction from Heavenly Father” by Elder Randall K. Bennett (Liahona, May 2023, 42–43).
3. Study the statements on the handout titled “Answering Questions about Patriarchal Blessings.”
Answering Questions about Patriarchal Blessings
President Russell M. Nelson shared:
[A patriarchal blessing] is precious. It is personal scripture to you. It declares your special lineage. It reminds you of your linkage with the past. And it will help you realize your future potential. Literally, you can lay claim upon the Lord for fulfillment of those blessings through your faithfulness. (Russell M. Nelson, “Thanks for the Covenant” [Brigham Young University devotional, Nov. 22, 1988], 5)
Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita of the Seventy testified:
I frequently and prayerfully read my patriarchal blessing; it always gives me encouragement. I recognize what the Lord expects of me, and it has helped me to repent and be humble. When I read and ponder it, I desire to live worthy of receiving its promised blessings. …
… I bear my witness that Heavenly Father and His Beloved and Only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, live. They love us. Patriarchal blessings are sacred gifts from Them. When you receive your blessing, you will realize and feel how They love you and how They focus on you individually. (Kazuhiko Yamashita, “When to Receive Your Patriarchal Blessing,” Liahona, May 2023, 90)
Sister Bonnie H. Cordon, former Young Women General President, shared:
At an FSY conference, I met two young women who had been struggling. Both young women mentioned turning to her patriarchal blessing to rediscover the Lord’s love and guidance for her personally. Find your patriarchal blessing, blow off the dust if you must, but study it often. If you don’t have one, get one—soon. Don’t delay finding out what the Lord wants to tell you now about who you are. (Bonnie H. Cordon, “Come unto Christ and Don’t Come Alone,” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 10)
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After students have had an opportunity to study, consider inviting them to share what they learned by asking questions like the following:
What did you learn from your studies that you found to be most helpful?
What were some answers that you found to your questions?
How do you think a patriarchal blessing can impact your relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
Consider sharing how God has blessed or directed you through your patriarchal blessing. You could also encourage students who have received their patriarchal blessing to share their experiences. Be sure students understand that they should not share details of their blessings. It is, however, appropriate to share about their experiences receiving a patriarchal blessing and how it has blessed their lives.
You could also show one of the following videos, available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org, to show examples of how individuals received guidance from God through their patriarchal blessings.
“Enemy Territory” (time code 0:00 to 2:25) — An account from the life of President Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (1924–2015).
“Without Fear” (3:30) — A young man from Italy described how his patriarchal blessing helped him make the decision to serve a mission.
Think about what you have learned
To help students reflect on what they have learned and felt, consider inviting them to do the following:
Ponder the promptings or impressions you have felt today from the Holy Ghost. In your study journal, write a few sentences about the guidance and direction Heavenly Father has given you today and how you might act on those promptings.
Encourage students to act on the impressions they have felt today. Testify of the guidance and direction from Heavenly Father available to us through patriarchal blessings.