Lesson 188—Coping with Sadness and Depression: Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, Can Help Us Overcome the Emotional Challenges of Life
“Lesson 188—Coping with Sadness and Depression: Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, Can Help Us Overcome the Emotional Challenges of Life,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)
“Coping with Sadness and Depression,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual
Lesson 188: Physical and Emotional Health
Coping with Sadness and Depression
Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, Can Help Us Overcome the Emotional Challenges of Life
The Savior promised that in Him we can have a fulness of joy (see Doctrine and Covenants 101:36). However, moments of sadness and discouragement are a normal part of our mortal experience. Sometimes we might experience more severe feelings of hopelessness and depression. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ provided resources to help us move forward in faith during times of emotional difficulty. This lesson can help students understand ways they can get help with feelings of sadness and depression.
Possible Learning Activities
Emotions are like the waves of the sea
Imagine standing on the beach and watching the waves of the ocean. The waves are like our feelings. Some waves lap at your feet gently as you stand or wade through the water. At other times you may be deeper in the water, and waves might hit you more strongly or even unexpectedly, causing you to lose your balance. Sometimes large waves can hit you forcefully and perhaps one right after the other. You may struggle to gain footing and may even choke on water or struggle to breathe.
Prayerfully reflect on the following statements. Record in your journal how much each statement applies to you (using the answers “yes,” “mostly,” “kind of,” and “not at all”).
I recognize the difference between sadness, discouragement, and depression.
I know the signs of depression.
I know where to get help if I feel depressed.
I recognize how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help me when I am sad or depressed.
Sadness and depression
Thinking about your own life, ponder what type of waves could describe your current emotional state.
As you study today, prayerfully seek the Spirit’s promptings to help you and those you know experiencing sadness and depression.
Isaiah 61:1–3 describes many ways the Savior can help us. Read these verses, looking for phrases you think could apply to helping someone who is sad or depressed. The word “me” in these verses refers to Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
What words or phrases were meaningful to you? What did you discover that could help someone struggling with sadness or depression?
Sister Reyna I. Aburto, former Second Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, taught:
Like any part of the body, the brain is subject to illnesses, trauma, and chemical imbalances. When our minds are suffering, it is appropriate to seek help from God, from those around us, and from medical and mental health professionals. …
… It is normal to feel sad or worried once in a while. Sadness and anxiety are natural human emotions. However, if we are constantly sad and if our pain blocks our ability to feel the love of our Heavenly Father and His Son and the influence of the Holy Ghost, then we may be suffering from depression, anxiety, or another emotional condition. (Reyna I. Aburto, “Thru Cloud and Sunshine, Lord, Abide with Me!,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 57)
What truths can we learn from Sister Aburto’s message?
Seek help from God, others, and professionals
Review what you have learned
Write the following in your study journal or on your pamphlet:
What you would do to seek the Lord’s help if you are feeling sad or depressed (this could include scriptures you would read or sacred music that brings you hope)
What you would do to reach out to others when you feel sad or depressed
What you might do to help someone who feels sad or depressed
What you might say to someone who is struggling and wonders if he or she should seek a mental health counselor